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Solution to Go The F*** To Sleep

The Ministry

by Foggy Brume
Art by Joe Cabrera

Each comment clues a phrase that contains the word "fuck" or "fucking" in it that is often abbreivated.

Each illustration depicts something that shares its initials with the abbreviations clued by the comments.

For each, use the initials of the comments as indexes into the F-word (U for second letter, C for third, K for fourth).

CommentPhraseAbbr.Image Image #Commenter InitsIndex into...To get...
Cousin Ursula: I don't think it's that important.Big Fucking DealBFDBugs Fires Daffy1CUFiresRI
Kevin: Hmmm, that's unusual.What the Fuck?WTFWaldo Tastes Flapjacks8KFlapjacksP
Crystal: Shoo.Get the Fuck OutGTFOGrimace Tallies Five Ostriches3CFiveV
Uncle Chuck: Perhaps that book has something.Read the Fucking ManualRTFMRaccoon Types Fan Mail6UCFanAN
Crystal: MIT's not quite what I thought.I Hate This Fucking PlaceIHTFPIowa Has The Fewest Potatoes4CFewestW
Uncle Kevin: Well that's a mess.Situation Normal All Fucked UpSNAFUSchool Newspaper Advertises Fitness Unicycle7UKFitnessIN
King Chuck: That's frustrating.For Fuck's SakeFFSFinnish Folk Singer2KCFolkKL
Ursula: Heh.Laughing My Fucking Ass OffLMFAOLegolas Makes Fellowship An Omelet5UFellowshipE

The indexed letters spell RIP VAN WINKLE, who certainly did go the f*** to sleep.