After a big meal in Thanksgiving Town, you can be so stuffed that it’s hard to converse in complete sentences.
1234 56789 10111213
14 15 16
17 18 19
2021 22 23
24 25
262728 2930
31 3233 34353637
3839 40 4142
4344 4546 47
4849 50 51
525354 5556
57 58 596061
62 6364 65
66 67 68
69 70 71


1Abbrev. on a 🏦 🚪
5🤖s, et al.
14Os🚗 winner 🏺ed
15⚾ transaction
16🍍-producing 🏝
17🕐 of the 👨‍🦲win 🍜ers
18🎵d ⌚maker
19The 🌞 is 🕐
20Si🕙amed for an airport 🚌
24🎱 game
25Every🕐, in 🇫🇷
26💥erang, for 🎤rosoft 🏢, e.g. (hyph.)
29Make a 🗿
31G🐏my 🏆 ⏺ in 1984
33🐒 vo🍧d by 🌭 Welker
34♉y’⚔️aid after “or”
38Common 🎾 🤙
39He played 🧬 Jen👪son in 🌊 ♨️ 🇺🇸 🀧: 🥇 Day of 🏕
43Ja🌽’s 🍜er
45🕐 bil🦁 y👂s
46🇦🇴, formerly
48Nero’s 🥈 👰
51🎸 👪 members
52🐎 🧥 with colored s🍲s (hyph.)
55_____ et C✋on
57Like a 🎰, ℹrmally (hyph.)
58♀ was 🕐
62Basis for 🍿, in 🇪🇸
63Members of the ⬇ c👧
65Poet Laureate 🕊
66👀, in La🥫
67To ❤ a lot
68P🖼 of QED
69Holy 👭 in 🇫🇷 (abbr.)
70💂‍♂️ 💪ed with a 🔱, e.g.


2🥪 counter
3Thing in your 🛒
4P🖼 of ✈️ where the 👩‍✈️ sits
5“❤ Me ➡” band R🔚ezvous _____
6_____ 🎁, a 🔫 from Des🥫y
7🦶 for 65 A✝, perhaps
8👀ing the 💡 at the 🔚 of the tunnel? (abbr.)
9“Savage ❤,” e.g.
10“🏰 on a ☁” 👩‍🎤
11G❤ material
12_____ 🌅’s 🌃 (🎞)
21Femi🕘 order of 🇬🇷 🏛
23Dr🤢master’s 📲
26📖y, w🤢ing, and _____
27“🕺 🦆” 👨‍🎤 Rick
28⭐ Trek 🤖
30🕵 actor 🎤hael
32L🦉ands of 🇦🇷, 🇺🇾, and 🇧🇷
35⛪goer’s 🖊i⛺ period
36Common 🍳 🌿
37🇬🇷 god of 🏩
40Like a 🏋️‍♀️’s 💪s, perhaps
41🏃 while not in ⚙
44👀s 🔼
47Pulled a 🔫 faster than
49🏒 player Bobby
50🇪🇬 god of the 🌞 (hyph.)
53Pass, as a 💵
54Do 🀩 main🕙ance on an ✈️
58Some⌛s there’s an 🐘 in 🕐
59🇮🇪, in 🇮🇪
60At📌 with a 🗡️
61👋gh🏫ers’ challenges
64🗽 ⌛ z🕐, in 🀧