Solving this puzzle requires three steps:
1: Figuring out vote-counting methods
There are many ways to complete this part. By constructing ballots and scoring these mock elections, you can determine that the three winners are determined using three classic counting methods:
2: Filling in the ballots
This stage is a straightforward logic puzzle. There's only one way to fill in the ballots so that the winners match the given winners. Here's the solutions for the blank spaces:
George (6)
Donald (5)
Donald (3)
George (2)
George (3)
Rutherford (4)
Donald (2)
Rutherford (6)
John (3)
Donald (2)
John (2)
Benjamin (1)
George (6)
Rutherford (5)
John (2)
Donald (4)
Rutherford (5)
George (6)
George (6)
John (5)
George (5)
Rutherford (1)
You can check this solution by scoring the filled-in ballots as a mock election, and verifying that the results of the mock election match the actual result.
3: Extraction
At this point, you may notice that the given indices cannot be used to index into the names (because index 5 is given for John). Instead, notice that the five names (George, Rutherford, Donald, John, and Benjamin) are the names of the five presidential candidates who won the election, but did not win the popular vote: George W. Bush, Rutherford B. Hayes, Donald Trump, John Quincy Adams, and Benjamin Harrison. Substituting their names for the names of the candidates who won the popular vote in that election (respectively: Albert Gore, Samuel Tilden, Hillary Clinton, Andrew Jackson, and Grover Cleveland), we get the following names and indices:
Indexing into these substituted names gives the clue phrase TALL
, which clues the answer,