Playing this game of Hangman will reveal that many of the "correct" words to be identified are not in fact correctly spelled words at all. They are all spellings given that eliminated people from the Scripps National Spelling Bee. (The ding that sounds when completing a word is indicative of the bell that sounds when a speller has misspelled a word at the Bee.)
Indexing into the name of the eliminated speller by the score earned in order of elimination gives the message: BERNADETTE MIAO'S ROUND TWO WORD. In 2015, Bernadette Miao's second round word was PARADOX, the answer.
Year | Speller | Correct Spelling | Incorrect Spelling | Score | Letter |
2012 | Thomas Rubio | podilegous | podilogous | 9 | B |
2012 | Kevin Lazenby | hortulan | hortuline | 2 | E |
2012 | Sruti Akula | gimbaled | gymballed | 2 | R |
2012 | Jennifer Mong | vellon | vellone | 3 | N |
2012 | Nabeel Rahman | tirthankara | tirtankara | 2 | A |
2012 | Jordan Hoffman | canities | conities | 4 | D |
2012 | Lena Greenberg | geistlich | geistleich | 2 | E |
2013 | Eva Kitlen | cabotinage | cabotonnage | 6 | T |
2013 | Emily Keaton | olecranon | olechranon | 9 | T |
2013 | Emma Greenlee | sarrusophone | serusiphone | 1 | E |
2013 | Grace Remmer | melocoton | melecaton | 8 | M |
2013 | Vanya Shivashankar | zenaida | zaneida | 8 | I |
2013 | Vismaya Kharkar | paryphodrome | pariphodrome | 5 | A |
2013 | Amber Born | hallali | hallelee | 7 | O |
2014 | Thomas Manning | mephitic | mafitick | 6 | S |
2014 | Claire Thomas | querida | careta | 5 | R |
2014 | Mary Joy Li-Ann Patricio | deliquesce | delaquess | 6 | O |
2014 | Muriel Cotman | ensilage | enselage | 2 | U |
2014 | Jae Canetti | parseval | parsaval | 6 | N |
2014 | Sai Vishudhi Chandrasekhar | induciae | induchee | 9 | D |
2014 | Mary Horton | aetites | aotites | 8 | T |
2015 | Greta Warner | laconism | lacanism | 6 | W |
2015 | Jaren Rose | geelhout | gheelhout | 7 | O |
2015 | Mareike Western | mucedinous | mucetinous | 8 | W |
2015 | Owen Kovalik | xenodochium | xenodiccium | 1 | O |
2015 | Lipika Narisetti | réchauffé | rechauffeau | 9 | R |
2015 | Dev Jaiswal | iridocyclitis | iridociclitis | 1 | D |