Hunt Stats

For the 2023 MIT Mystery Hunt, Admiral Boötes’ Cosmic Discovery Expedition was originally intended to be three subrounds and a metameta. On Saturday of Hunt weekend, teammate realized Mystery Hunt was running long and preemptively cut ABCDE down to a single subround.

Admiral Boötes’ Cosmic Discovery Expedition: Further Galaxies is ABCDE as originally envisioned, and was released Friday June 2, 2023 at 6 PM Eastern time. ⛎ UNICODE EQUIVALENCE was the first team to solve the final puzzle, 21 hours into the hunt. Stats are based on solves up to June 12.

  • 179 teams registered for Hunt, with a total of 954 participants, around 20% as many participants of Mystery Hunt 2023.
  • 72 teams solved at least 1 new puzzle.
  • 39 teams solved at least 5 new puzzles.
  • 23 teams solved at least 10 new puzzles.
  • 25 teams solved at least 1 new meta.
  • 17 teams finished the Hunt.

Solve Graph

Show teams with at least solves and at most solves.

Click team names to toggle visibility. The solve chart displays times in your local timezone.

Team Sizes

Team sizes in ABCDEFG were usually much smaller than Mystery Hunt 2023 team sizes. The largest team that attempted puzzles was 56 people. Most finishing teams were around 10 to 30 people.


There were 976 hints requested during ABCDEFG.

Misc Stats

29% of teams submitted the wrong answer to Touch Grass Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)

The median break-in time to the arrow gimmick (time between submitting the "normal" answer and the "arrowed" answer) was 21 minutes. The 75th percentile break-in time was 1 hour 50 minutes and the 90th percentile break-in time was 7 hours 55 minutes.

Activity Log

Here is a CSV log of all submissions and unlocks. Some notes:

  • Solve events in the CSV do not include the puzzle answer.
  • This includes events that occurred after solution release.