Each of these is a clue for a two-word phrase. When you solve as many of them as you can, you see they are all odd phrases, BUT if you spoonerize each phrase, it gives a word and a number.
- Propulsion unit for an apian insect = BEE THRUSTER = BUSTER THREE = S
- Dandy who loves doing household tasks = CHORE FOP = CHOP FOUR = P
- Toss of some soft surface-ripened French cheese = BRIE THROW = BRO THREE = O
- Military upheaval over a hard, buttery sweet = TOFFEE COUP = COFFEE TWO = O
- Young unweaned animal from Exeter’s county = DEVON SUCKLING = DUCKLING SEVEN = N
- Open land area along the water = SHORE FIELD = SHIELD FOUR = E
- One who puts “have a formal meal” into the choices for voting = DINE NOMINATOR = DOMINATOR NINE = R
- Visualize a twisted filament for sewing = SEE THREAD = SAID THREE = I
- Cause ennui for some lint = BORE FUZZ = BUZZ FOUR = Z
- Get former IAEA head Hans drunk = SOUSE BLIX = BLOUSE SIX = E
- “Sonnet X/Death Be Not Proud,” e.g. = DONNE WORK = DIRK ONE = D
- Tiny arachnids with an unhealthy yellow-brown complexion = SALLOW TICKS = TALLOW SIX = W
- Clothing trend inspired by Katy Perry's jungle-themed music video = ROAR FASHION = FOUR RATION - I
- Ring-shaped sewer covering lattice = ANNULAR GRATE = GRANULAR EIGHT = R
- Famed Roman general and leader’s candy bar of biscuit and caramel = CAESAR TWIX = TWEEZER SIX = E
- Ballroom dance in 3/4 time done to the music of the “Some Nights” band = FUN. WALTZ = FAULTS ONE = F
- Expression intending to cause injury that costs no money = FREE THREAT = FRET THREE = E
- Way to raise money for charity by collecting cellulars from people = PHONE DRIVE = DRONE FIVE = E
- Onion-related herb that has been placed in the proper folder = FILED CHIVE = CHILD FIVE = D
Then if you take each of the letters in order that you get from indexing with the number into the other word, you get “SPOONERIZED WIREFEED” which gives the answer, FIREWEED.