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Ohh! Each of the GIFs represents a sound.


The words represented by the GIFs are sometimes spelled in weird ways. The clues are in alphabetic order.

emoji duplicates

When two GIF/image clues have the same emoji, you will have to distinguish where they go in the grid based on crossing letters.


The last GIF has not been used yet.

extraction, thinking emoji

Each of the six GIFs in the last GIF does not represent a sound.

Huh? Wow!

🥕 🥬 👾 🎃 🐳 🧦 🐕 🤷 🥴
🧊 🏆 🚳
💤 🎉 ❤️ 🐳
🎉 💤 🌵
🦈 😎 🗓️ 🚕
🤷 🌷 🤗 🌵
🐕 🐎 🦈
🌷 😸 📗 🧦
🏊 ❤️ 😂 🐳 💯
⛰️ 🚳 😸 🕓
😂 🦈 💯 🧱
🔥 ❤️ 🍭 🍭 🤷
🌈 ✂️ 🍭 🚕 🐕 🥬

(Entries may read up, down, left, or right)

🥴 _______
🚳[See original puzzle for image]
😸[See original puzzle for image]