Attack of the Lobsters

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To enter a word, you'll need to type the word into the box (it should already be focused) and then hit "enter" to submit.

overwhelmed by lobsters, this game is too hard

If you don't move the boat, the lobsters won't be as threatened, and only one will show up at a time. Maybe that will help you figure out how to defeat the lobsters.

how to defeat lobsters

Agent L mentioned using your transformative powers to calm down the lobsters. You needed to use some transformations to decode their message. Perhaps you can make use of those transformations.

can't move the boat

To move the boat, you'll need to anagram the words next to the arrows to English words.

where to go

To PIRATE SONG, we should get to the source of the song. You can follow the music notes to get to the source of the song.

this game is too hard


if really needed, contact katfang to make the game easier.

Yew Labs anticipates that you will need to use the Projection Device for this puzzle.

A transmission has arrived! It seems like we're not out of the weeds yet...