The Venetian

by John Bromels


We're presented with three audio clips of sorceress Medea auditioning for the role of Peller in the "Ken & Peller" magic show at the Venetian: the first clip is her initial audition, the second her callback, and the third her final audition. However, because Peller is a silent role, Medea is forced to cast spells by using gestures only, which cannot be seen in the clips. Each clip features a similar structure: Medea casts five five-gesture spells, the results of which are described. Ken then "critiques" what she "should have done," and then directs her to alter some of the gestures she used into new gestures.

Each "spell" is a series of five gestures, and it quickly becomes clear that these are five-letter words that Medea is spell-ing (get it?) using ASL letters. From Ken's commentary—in which he discusses gestures that should have been in different places in the spell, and those that can stay where they are, we intuit that each batch of spells is a game (or "frame") of Wordle. Our goal is to figure out what feeder words are used using the descriptions of the gestures and the spells' effects, and then use the commentary to figure out the solution word for the game.

Recording 1

We start with the initial audition. Medea casts five spells, with the following commentary:

Spell NumberEffectAnswer
1"it's not a violin at all: it's one of those… Beatles… thingamabobs"SITAR
2Galloping hooves + "How'd that thing get in here? Is there some sort of exotic animal convention, or–?"ZEBRA
3"I love European cuisine, but I always wish the portions were bigger."TAPAS
4"Whoa! A car?! … Hey, and it's one of those all-electric deals, too!"TESLA
5"What is this, some sort of nut? Oh, no, it's one of those Asian fruit things with the pits.", + Medea's "Well, that last spell… it isn't a spell…ing I'm used to."LICHI

Based on Ken's commentary, we can assemble the following Wordle grid:


(Logic: We know E is the second letter; S isn't in position 1, 2, 3, or 5, so it must be the fourth letter; T can't be 1 or 3, while 2 and 4 are taken, so it must be 5; B can't be in 3 and 2, 4, and 5 are taken, so it must be 1, leaving A in slot 3.)

If we're observant enough, we'll note that Ken says "Wow! You're an animal!" to Medea after she casts this frame of spells, which is an additional clue for BEAST.

Ken then gives instructions to Medea on how to create a new Wordle frame from her old one using different gestures. Seeding it with just the gestures Ken takes from the first frame yields:

T R  

The descriptions Ken gives for the other gestures are the descriptions of ASL letters:

Row/ ColumnDescriptionASL Letter
1/4"give me like you're twirling the end of an evil mustache. Yeah, just with the finger and thumb"F
1/5From ASL R: "uncross the fingers, it looks like you're lying. Okay, and turn the whole thing sideways. No, other side in front."H
2/1 & 2/2"How about the number '30' for the first two gestures"W, O
2/4"then maybe like a '6'"D
2/5"Make a fist"S
3/3"Maybe do that fingers crossed thing"R
3/4 & 3/5"look at your nails like you think there's dirt underneath them? No, show them to the audience instead."E
4/2"reminded me of that Smash Mouth song"
["She was looking kind of dumb // With her finger and her thumb In the shape of an 'L' on her forehead"—"All Star"]
4/3"act like you're… holding a piece of PVC pipe up to check it for cracks or something"O
5/1"That fingers-crossed thing"R
5/3"How would you indicate something was small?"G

This yields the instruction:


Applying this instruction to the initial grid yields:


Which are referenced by the descriptions:

Spell NumberEffectAnswer
1"Couple of bones… wait, those aren't human bones, are they?"TARSI (leg bones)
2"You fixed the broken chair with… is that, like, brass solder or something?"BRAZE
3"now THIS is some filling European food!"PASTA
4"a little… chalkboard"SLATE
5"what's this? Soup? Oh, no: I see what it is! I love Tex-Mex!"CHILI

Ken then "scores" this new grid (referencing the answers in this grid specifically, so we know he's not referring to the "instructions" grid):


(Logic: Everything is placed but the last letter; by default it must be the P)

We also may have observed that Ken uses the phrase, "a little bit crunchy to the bite," cluing CRISP.

Recording 2

We can now move on to Recording #2, which follows an identical structure to Recording #1 in that Medea performs five spells, receives scoring and alterations, then performs the new set of five spells. However, in this round, the initial descriptions are more vague, so we'll have to rely more on the descriptions of the gestural changes to extract our two Wordle answers.

The first set of spells is as follows:

Spell NumberEffectAnswer
1"something to put your sheet music on"STAND
2"We're in the middle of a desert: where would I even use that?"CANOE
3"What is that, a star of some sort?"ALGOL
4"some kind of insect? … It's not in my hair, is it?"LOUSE
5"And now the paper has letters written all over it!"ESSES

From Ken's scoring, we get the following color grid:


We can determine many of the letters in the first two words from Ken's description of how they should be changed:

Row/ ColumnDescriptionASL Letter
1/1"put your thumb under your index finger instead of over it," thus the gesture features the thumb on top of the index finger. There's only one ASL sign in which the thumb is over the index finger.S
1/3"try it again, just stick up your pinky." The only pairing this can apply to is A→IA
2/1"just close that gap above the tip of your thumb." The only letters featuring such a gap are C, G, L, and Q; closing the gap in the latter three would not form a letter.C
2/3"take the two fingers that were on top of your thumb and raise them up" The only letter this could describe is N.N

This gives us the following grid:

C N  

From these letters, and the descriptions, we can intuit that the first answer is STAND and the second is CANOE. The combination of "insect" and "hair" should be enough to imply "LOUSE" for the fourth answer. We note that Ken mentions only two letters are used in the fifth word, and given that plus the description, we can intuit that the fifth word must be ESSES. This gives us the following grid:


Note that this isn't enough on its own to definitively establish the final word, but it can help us determine the makeup of the second grid (we could also have begun with a back-and-forth between the first and second grid earlier). So let's look at the second grid and see what we can fill in based on this incomplete first grid:

Row/ ColumnDescriptionASL Letter
1/5(Starting from S) "put your thumb under your index finger instead of over it. Nope! Not under the middle finger, just the index."T
1/2(Starting from A) "just stick up your pinky."I
1/3(Starting from D) "try also raising the finger next to the one that's already up. No, spread'em apart. And squeeze the other digits closer to the palm."V
1/1"your hand is like a little man walking around on the table? Yeah! Do that, but frozen! Freeze it right after he's just put his left foot down."P
2/3"Take the second gesture you did and do it third"A
2/5"Keep the fifth gesture where it was."E
2/1(starting from C) "close that gap above the tip of your thumb. Hmm… good but that's not quite done. Raise one of your fingers. Not that finger! That's obscene! Funny, though: raise the one next to it, too. And the one next to that."F
2/2(starting from A) "take the two fingers that were on top of your thumb and raise them up. Now put the longer one behind the shorter one."R
2/4"the gesture you're doing third in this spell (A) and then the gesture you did second in your version of the first spell (T), and then the gesture you did third in this spell the first time through (N) are all a big sequence. What would come next in that sequence?" The sequence is progressively moving your thumb between successive fingers.M

Thus the first two words are PIV?T and FRAME. For the third (and part of the fourth) word, Ken says he's getting "Mystical" (a reference to palmistry). By looking up palmistry, we can identify the ASL letters, while the rest of the descriptions illustrate the rest of the fourth word:

Row/ ColumnDescriptionASL Letter
3/1"fold all your fingers down and then slide your thumb between your Finger of Jupiter (index) and Finger of Saturn (middle)!"T
3/2"extend those two fingers and rotate your hand a quarter-turn towards Outer Mars (pinky side of palm)!"H
3/3"Third gesture: slide your Finger of Jupiter (index) forward and downward (towards the floor) as far as you can, and rotate your hand a quarter-turn away from Luna (pinky side of heel)!"R
3/4"face your Plain of Mars (palm) to the audience, touch your fingertips to the Girdle of Venus (bases of the fingers), and touch your logic knuckle (thumb knuckle) to Inner Mars (thumb side of palm)…"E
3/5"repeat the fourth one"E
4/5"Move the first gesture [of the new third spell] to fifth"T
4/4"the second gesture [of the new third spell] to fourth,"H
4/1"and the third gesture [of the new third spell] to first."R
4/2"Raise nothing but your Mercury finger (pinky)!"I
4/3"Hey, remember that comedy group The Kids in the Hall? "I am only… crushing your head!" Do that!"

Lastly, we can also get the letters for the final (fifth) spell from Ken's comments:

Row/ ColumnDescriptionASL Letter
5/5(Starting from ESSES): " take the [gesture] you used more times and do it fifth"S
5/1 & 5/3I still like those gestures we kept from the third spell, so put the ones that were first and fifth in the fourth spell back where they came from originally for this spell.T, R
5/2"the Pope giving a blessing"U
5/4"remember that sequence I mentioned earlier? Do the third gesture in that sequence."N

This gives us everything but the blue square in the grid below; from context, process of elimination, and - if we've solved in a different order - Ken's line "there was a gesture you used fourth in two of the first batch of spells you did today. Put that fourth here." we can tell that square is an O.


This gives us the instruction, "PIVOT FRAME THREE RIGHT TURNS," or 270 degrees clockwise (90 degrees counterclockwise). That wouldn't yield anything from the letters in this frame, so it must refer to the previous frame. Sure enough, we can see that turning the first 5x5 grid 90 degrees counterclockwise gives us the setup for a new batch of words that correspond to the second set of spell descriptions:


From here, it's pretty easy to fill in the missing letter in each based on the descriptions of the spells' effects, even out of order:

Row NumberEffectAnswer
3"What the heck, is that a cow?! … How now, Brown—er, maybe it's more black than brown, I guess—cow?"ANGUS (Angus cows are black)
5"hey, is that supposed to be a comment on my weight?"SCALE
1"someone crossed out all the letters on that page from before with a red pen"DELES
2"A rope, or no, it's a… whoa! That's morbid."NOOSE
4"A bronze… statue of some sort? Or, wait: maybe it's a fountain: there's this spout on the… what, leg?"TALOS (bronze giant from the Argonauts myth)

So, skipping back to the prior frame, with the now-completed grid, we can see that the answer to this frame is GRUEL:


(Logic: Green squares give us ??UEL and the only English word with this pattern that contains a G is GRUEL. Ken's comment "pretty thin soup" provides confirmation)

Now we can also solve the fourth grid of spells based on Ken's feedback:


(Logic: SCO?E are filled in, with the N as the only remaining unassigned letter. Ken's comment "a tasty treat" provides confirmation)

We now have our two answers, GRUEL and SCONE, and can move on to Recording #3.

Recording 3

Things are a bit different this round with the addition of the character of Peller, but we can still start off, as usual, by attempting to ascertain the spell words. This round, however, they're a bit more vague:

Spell NumberEffectPotential Answers
1"Whoa! A gemstone: nice!"AMBER, AGATE, BERYL, PEARL, TOPAZ…
2Hissing + "Yikes! Is that thing venomous?"ADDER, COBRA, MAMBA, SNAKE, VIPER…
3"Whoa! That thing just smashed it flat! Like it's some kind of cartoon!"ANVIL, PIANO
4"Kind of late for breakfast. I'll eat it anyway, though"BACON, BAGEL, DONUT, TOAST…
5"A gold-plated trophy? … 'Best Vegas Magician 2024 Goes to: Ken'?"AWARD, MEDAL, PRIZE…

However, we can still get the accurate grid coloration:


Likewise, Ken's descriptions of what goes where are more vague in this round:

Row/ ColumnDescriptionASL Letter
1/?"the 'fingers do the walking' gesture"P
1/?"I got your nose"T
1/?"I'm about to chuck a thickish-but-not-ridiculously-thick spear at you" (If it were "ridiculously thick," it would be a C)O
1/?"that finger-wag of judgment, or whatever that was"Z
2/?"That 'fingers do the walking thing' again?"P
2/?"Dr. Evil?"I
2/?"Fingers crossed"R
2/?"The 'peace out' thing"V
3/?"you threw in the peace sign again!"V

All the rest of Ken's notes reference relative positions to the next set of spells, but this is enough to start with. For Spell 1, we need a gemstone that contains the letters P, T, O, and Z, with the missing letter in fourth position: TOPAZ. For the second, a venomous snake containing P, I, R, and V: VIPER. And the third answer is something that smashes things flat in cartoons that contains a V: ANVIL. So here's our grid thus far:


We're not quite there yet. But in this round, instead of doing the second batch of spells all in a row, she casts them one at a time. Ken has also let us know in his notes that some letters in some answers are the same.

Spell NumberEffectAnswer
1"Some kind of cake?!" + 1st and 4th letters are the same.TORTE
2Ken's mother is conjured + 1st, 3rd, & 4th letters are the same + 2nd & 5th letters are the same.MAMMA
3Belching, farting, and "feel really… bloated all of a sudden" + 3rd & 4th letters are the sameGASSY
4"That noise" + sounds of alpenhornsHORNS or MUSIC
5"A wooden bathtub?"BASIN

We can also get some of these letters from Ken's descriptions:

Row/ ColumnDescriptionASL Letter
1/3From P: "turn your hand upside down…good…and instead of pointing those two fingers in those directions, take the one that's pointing forward and make it point up, and the one that's pointing up and make it point past the other one."R
1/1"I got your nose"T
1/2"I'm about to chuck a thickish-but-not-ridiculously-thick spear at you" (If it were "ridiculously thick," it would be a C)O
1/5"try to touch all four of your fingertips to their first finger joints. Now simultaneously try to touch your thumbtip to your heart line"E
2/1, 2/3, & 2/4From V: "if you stuck the next finger up as well? No, try putting your thumb on the top of the down finger. Not quite. Try putting the three up fingers down."M
2/2 & 2/5From E: "get your thumb out of there. Slide your fingertips down so that instead of those finger bones being flat on top, it's the next set closer to the palm that's flat on top."A
3/2"The first gesture you did, ... move it into the second slot"A
3/3 & 3/4From N: "try pulling your thumb out from the middle and put it in front in the same spot"S
3/5From I: "but stick your thumb out"Y
3/1"The Baby Shark gesture!"G
4/3"use the fourth gesture third"S
4/1"Take the other gesture (i.e., besides the 3/2 gesture: A) from the new second spell and use it first"M
4/2"how would you indicate you wanted a pair of scissors? … Not an OPEN pair of scissors! That's a valid gesture that we haven't used yet [indicating the "scissors" must be upright as in the ASL letter K] CLOSE the pair of scissors, please"U
4/4"pretend you're holding a beer stein. Yeah, except you're a hoity-toity socialite doing it. [i.e., lift your pinky] Good, now take a swig: [tilt hand towards mouth] hold it!"I
4/5"be a lobster!"C
5/1"act like a crossing guard telling me to stop. Yeah, but now try to use your thumb to check if your wedding ring fell off."B
5/5"what if your hand was a spray of whipped cream on top of a banana split sundae? [curled fingers] What would that look like? No, it needs a cherry on top [Thumb sticking out of center]"N
Two of 5/2, 5/3, & 5/4"just use the ones you're now using in those slots in the previous spell"2 of U, S, or I

Ken mentions that her spells got progressively better, with no green letters in the first spell and 4 in the fifth spell, and no yellow letters at all. With this information, we can fill out the sixth grid:


(Logic: no letters in TORTE are correct, but three letters in HORNS/MUSIC are correct, which would have to be H??NS in HORNS, but none of those letters are in those positions in BASIN, so the fourth word must be MUSIC. For two different 5-letter words to contain 3 and 4 correct letters, respectively, at least two of their letters must be the same, and both correct. S and I are the only letters in the same place in BASIN and MUSIC, so they are correct. This means the first S in GASSY is also green, but the second S is gray. In order for a second letter in GASSY to be correct, it must also appear in the same place in either BASIN or MUSIC. The only such letter is the A in BASIN, which means A is the second letter, and thus also the only correct letter in MAMMA. If A is the only correct letter in MAMMA, then the M in MUSIC must be incorrect, meaning the third correct letter in MUSIC is the C. This means the fourth correct letter in BASIN must be the B, and thus the answer is BASIC. Ken's comment "even a modicum of… whatever!" clues this word).

With this grid solved, we can now backtrack to complete our fifth grid:

Row/​ColumnDescriptionASL Letter
4/1 & 4/2"sheesh, those first two gestures are basically what we've got going on in that first spell now."T, O
4/3"that third gesture's now in the second spell" + "Take the other gesture from the new second spell and use it first" [i.e., M is the "other gesture" used in Frame 6, Word 2: this must be the remaining Frame 6, Word 2 gesture]A
4/4"use the fourth gesture third."S
5/1 & 5/3"take the gesture you used twice and put it in the slot equidistant between the slots you used it in before" [It ends up in Slot 2, so these must be 1 and 3]A
5/2, 5/3, or 5/4"Three-fingers-up"F or W
5/2, 5/3, or 5/4"Two-fingers-up" [we know from Ken's earlier comment that K is unused]R, U, or V
5/2, 5/3, or 5/4"One-finger-up"D, I, L, or Y

So, our fourth spell is a breakfast food spelled TOAS? (TOAST), and our fifth is A?A??, where the other three letters are F/W, R/U/V, and D/I/L/Y, meaning a trophy (AWARD). This gives us:


(Logic: We had ?AV?R; the S cannot be fourth, therefore it's first; leaving the O in fourth. Ken's comment, "I can enjoy the good feeling in the moment" is confirmation)


So now we have our six words:


But what do we do with them? Fit them into another grid? Well, there's one bit of information we haven't used yet, and that's Peller's statement: "Like that last spell: you did it in just five gestures, but I think I can suitably replicate its effects in 25. Observe: web, pinky, ring, heel pad, index, index, thumb pad and middle base, index, along heel pad, web to wrist, crossed pinkies, index, thumb pad and middle base, index, palm and palm, middle, palm and palm, heel pad, along heel pad, ring, interlaced, ring, along heel pad, index tip and base, crossed pinkies."

These "gestures" he references don't seem to describe ASL gestures, but rather parts of the hand. The clue is in Peller's voice: he's described as having (and will have in the audio version) "a British accent." So, naturally, he uses BSL instead of ASL. BSL primarily features the index finger of one hand touching various parts of the other hand, so his sequence lists the parts being touched: (here's a chart) but the best way to see these is in a video like this one:

Index and thumb loopQ
heel padT
thumb pad and middle baseV
along heel padR
web to wristY
crossed pinkiesS
thumb pad and middle baseV
palm and palmN
palm and palmN
heel padT
along heel padR
along heel padR
index tip and baseD
crossed pinkiesS

Or, "QUOTE EVERY SEVEN INTRO WORDS." How would this approximate Medea's final spell? We look at Ken's intro to find out. Taking every 7th word, skipping the stage directions:

Howdy, Folks! Welcome to the very first show of this new era. In five minutes, we're gonna start providing the answers to the universe's mysteries, plant the seed of a great idea for the Final Illusion, and maybe even try to frame your ex for murder, Miss. (chuckles wordlessly) Not to brag, but I'm fantastic. Before we get started, anybody need a pair of shades? They could come in very handy for protection from my incredible brilliance! Fan letters can be written on money: just turn them in at the bank on Sixth Avenue and say they're for Ken. In case you're wondering who this is, to you I present my assistant, Malia! (sotto voce) Turn to face the audience, please. Whoa! Air out those pits, would you?! They reek! I'm kidding! I'm kidding! You're an ode to beauty and grace. Not sure where she came from, to be honest. One day, she wanders in asking, "Where is the bathroom?" and just stuck around. Gold coins couldn't convince her to leave, and believe me, I've offered! Finally, after two months, I said, "Look, Lady, what is it you want?" She says, "I'm green but I'm talented. I want to apply to be your assistant." I said, "To be my assistant?" She deals out rows of cards and says, "Just pick one." I do. She guesses it! So, per our wager, she speaks nary a line, but gets to be onstage.

Or, "First five answers seed final frame. To get shades for letters, turn sixth into ternary code ("turn air reek ode"), where one is gold and two is green. Apply to rows, one per line." Our final frame, seeded by the first five words, is:


Converting the word "BASIC" to ternary code yields:

  • 00002
  • 00001
  • 00201
  • 00100
  • 00010

As instructed, we color the twos green and the ones yellow to get the following grid:


So, we're looking for a five-letter word with pattern ??U?T, where the other three letters are L, O, and P, and it's something that could end up, per Peller, "on the casino buffet." The only English word that fits this pattern is POULT (Note: PLUOT is ruled out by the yellow O in SAVOR), defined as "a young domestic chicken, turkey, pheasant, or other fowl being raised for food," which satisfies the definition, and thus our answer is POULT.