What's the Pointillism?

Two pieces of art hang next to each other in an art gallery. As you stare at the works trying to find meaning in them, you hear complaints from other gallery attendees. Taking into account each critic's perspective, who are these paintings for?

You can click on this image to visualize colors. The visualization tool is not part of a puzzle.

A 5x6 grid of colored blocks on a white background 
 Row 1: Red Yellow Green Yellow Red 
 Row 2: Magenta Cyan Yellow Cyan Magenta 
 Row 3: Blue White Yellow White Blue 
 Row 4: Blue Cyan Green Cyan Blue 
 Row 5: Blue White Yellow White Blue 
 Row 6: Cyan Magenta Red Magenta Cyan 
 In the bottom right corner, a venn diagram with three circles is filled in black at the center, with a minus sign next to it
Cyan person: "This takes away from real art. Why is it even here?" 
 Magenta person: "My kid could do better with his watercolor set." 
 Yellow person: "What a waste of perfectly good paint."

A 5x6 grid of colored blocks on a black background 
 Row 1: Magenta Cyan Cyan Cyan Red 
 Row 2: White Black Black Black White 
 Row 3: White Black Black Black White 
 Row 4: White Magenta Magenta Magenta Yellow 
 Row 5: White Black Black Blue Yellow 
 Row 6: Magenta Green Green Green Magenta 
 In the bottom right corner, a venn diagram with three circles is filled in white at the center, with a plus sign next to it
Red person: "This adds nothing to the exhibit." 
 Green person: "I have doodles on my phone that are better than this." 
 Blue person: "Y’know what would improve this piece? Turning the lights off."