Hera is more than happy to give you Pluto's sceptre, as long as you help her sort out what the deal is with all the letters she's found in Zeus's desk. She knows you can figure it out; after all, you've done something similar for her twice before. What has Zeus been up to recently?
- Everyone in the whole wide world has exactly one favorite positive integer and exactly one favorite letter of the alphabet.
- Phoenician princesses carried across the Mediterranean on the back of a white bull will eventually land in ITALIA, the homeland of those they call Romans.
- Titanesses tricked into turning into insects should restore their form by finding a skilled ARTISAN—preferably one who can restore Greek bronzes using Latin marble.
- Priestesses who doubt the divinity of their partner should simply ask to see their SMILE—that totally won't disintegrate them or something.
- Incarnations of divine retribution face their ARCHENEMY by visiting casinos worldwide.
- Huntresses of Artemis who get turned into bears will have their pelts processed into a SAILCLOTH.
- Basileus Sylvester Michale would like to remind everyone that the letter Y is, was, and always will be a vowel, and no amount of complaining from those Francophilic sycophants in court can change this immutable fact. Seriously, French, the only other languages that use it as a consonant had it forced upon them. By you. Directly or indirectly. Get with the rest of the continent already.
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