
Erratum on Sat, 1/13/24, 2:45 AM UTC: To clarify: there isn't cell signal in the Underworld -- even though you can send us emails with your scavenger hunt submissions, they're not actually going through. Once you complete your escape, you will find a link to a Google form where you will be able to submit your scavenger hunt tasks.

Erratum on Sun, 1/14/24, 12:20 AM UTC: We are reducing the number of drachma (ie, points) required to complete the scavenger hunt by 25% for all teams. To clarify, this means that the cap is now 45 instead of 60, and you need .75 (instead of 1) drachma per person on your team.

This is the scavenger hunt! One drachma is 6 obol.

Welcome, TASK HERO TEAM public! Here are the quests available in your area. Our founder, Herc himself is still working as a hero for hire! He can be hired for the low low price of 1 drachma per registered team member (up to a maximum of 60 drachma). Of course, Herc is usually out in the field, so you have to catch him at just the right time.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! If your quest giver thinks that the task was not completed as requested, you will not receive payment but will be allowed to re-attempt it. You may not add onto or resubmit a task that's already been paid out. If you are submitting electronic proof of task completion, please submit video evidence unless otherwise specified. Our customers need reassurance after the Dolos statue incident and we can't afford Agora Reports putting out more bad press.

Please submit online submissions in this form.
2 drachma
REQUEST: My reinterpretation of Medea as a Story set in the West Side of NYC needs a song about the heroine! - Euripides "Baz" of Salamis
4 obol, + 3 obol per 10 degrees of incline
Can you roll a boulder up a hill, just so I know if it's actually possible? - Sisyphus
3 obol per Cerberus with 2 obol bonus for costume, max (team size/3) photos,
Hell Kennel Club is accepting entries for best-in-show, 3 headed class. Send us photos of your Cerberus!
points value = # of obols received for this task
Last year's hunt had some good tips for making grass grow, and my lawn is looking peaky. Show us something you submitted to Bootes' touch grass challenge. - Demeter
2 drachma
Have you been transformed into an animal by angry gods or witches? Join the Society of Involuntary Polymorphs!
1 drachma
HIRING: Personal chef to make me dinner. This meal better rock! - Cronus
2 drachma
Film a video for the Time Traveler's Survival Guide series showing how to avoid a war by disguising yourself in drag.
3 obol
Untie this really tight knot for me, please? - Gordius
2 obols per photograph, + 1 drachma for complete set
Did you know that Boston used to have models of the solar system throughout the city? Find those locations and photograph yourself with a representation of the planet. - Boston Museum Appreciation Society
3 obol + 3 obol per 50m below the earth's surface (capped at 36 obol), + 2 obol for writing a Yelp review
Show us photos from your vacation to the Underworld (the deepest place on earth you've been to) - Underworld Traveler Magazine
1 drachma
Danaid Water Transport Service is hiring people to carry water from one bucket to another using a sieve/colander. Why a colander? Why not!
3 drachma
Due to unfortunate circumstances, I need you to build Rome. You have one day. - Nero
1 drachma for recipe, + 3 obol for purple
I'm in the mood for a new mocktail. Send us a recipe, extra love it's purple. - Dionysus
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2 drachma
Submissions are now open for annual Greek cuisine-Italian cuisine debate. - MIT, after the University of Chicago's tradition
2 obol per Spartacus, max. (team size/3)
I need some help blending into the crowd. Can your team look as identical as possible? - Spartacus
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2 obol per type of material used, to maximum of 6
Cool crowns for champions! Make a victory wreath out of any material and show your victor being crowned. Your competition might become part of the next Olympics! - Sports Frescoed Magazine
2 drachma for completion, + up to 1 drachma for how closely you get to geometric perfection
Need landscape help to make a mountain out of a molehill. Some guy here is getting used to his torture mountain and we can't have that. - Furies
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1 drachma + 2 for flightworthiness + up to 1 drachma for style
Wing design competition: Make a pair of wings, with bonus points for flair and flightworthiness. - Daedalus and Son Design Firm
3 obol per object review, +2 obol for unifying theme
Be a collaborator on the Pandora network! Film an unboxing video where you review stuff.
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3 obols
I need you to make a golden apple, don't ask what it's for. - Eris
1 drachma
Minerva's Innovation Trial: Submit a battle plan/strategy for capturing an Athena cluster.
3 obol per unique deity + 1 drachma for dressing up as the god in question
Gods Weekly magazine seeking paparazzi photos. Take a picture of yourself in front of an establishment named for a Greek or Roman god.
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2 drachma
CASTING: "One Eye for the Greek Guy", a special benefit for the Ocularly Uncomfortable Cyclopean Hospital. Submit your audition video.
3 obols
Help needed: undo 1 full day's worth of weaving. - Penelope
3 drachma
Ring toss hard mode - nobody can win this new carnival game!
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2 drachma
Hide a bunch of Greek things inside a horse. - Troy Custom Pinatas Inc
2 drachma
Let's break a boat launch record! - Helen
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2 obol per object, max. (team size/5) objects
Midas Touch interior designers seeking items to fill our showrooms. Note our color scheme.
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2 drachma
Help needed to smuggle some hot property. Inconspicuousness mandatory. -Prometheus
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1 drachma
Narcissus Gallery is seeking self-portraits for our grand opening.
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1 drachma + 1 bonus drachma for video
HIRING: Representatives of modern literary/musical forms! Submit an application (video or written) with a sample of your work. - Muses
1 obol per 500 miles of distance between your location and site of origin, capped at 24 obols. Space bonus TBD based on our panel's assessment of how amazing it is.
Hercules had to go to the ends of the earth to bring back a cow. Show us something (in person or in video) that you've brought back from the furthest away you can.
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1 drachma for design plan, + 1 drachma for diorama
REQUESTING: zoo habitat designs for any mythical creature. - The Society for the Preservation of Mythical Creatures
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2 drachma
I'm in the swanhouse again. Go make a gift that'll make Hera not mad at me anymore. - Zeus
2 drachma
Send me a puzzle written by your Chief Puzzle Writer. - Incitatus
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1 drachma for task 1, 2 drachma for task 2
Submit your Atlantis content for a chance to be featured in the History Channel's next documentary.
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