Erratum on Fri, 1/12/24, 9:51 PM UTC: The word “each” in the 2nd stanza was changed to “reach” (“we always waNt what wE can't reach”). The first image, the image with a red border, the copy-to-clipboard, and the alt text were updated.
While sifting through various corners of the internet, I found compelling evidence that a certain singer/songwriter might have found a new collaborator...
Hidden messages in her feed???
How many RAILS in the FENCE?
Has she been hiding her identity under different names???
A book about a Hollywood celebrity and the succession of men she had relationships with over the years?
The descriptions are such a perfect fit, too - either she consulted on the book, or she secretly wrote it.
Potential Pseudonym:
--10--- ------- -7--
An unidentified book with a massive planned print run, rumored to be a musical memoir? It has to be hers.
You'd have to look overseas to find a musical group with as militant a fanbase.
Potential Pseudonym:
---2------ 9---
A debut novelist lands a film deal with the creators of Kingsman, and the story's main character totes around her Scottish fold in a bubble cat backpack?
That can only happen with major talent attached. Major talent like...her.
Potential Pseudonym:
---- 8-1---
A Sapphic poetry book that shares the name with one of her songs, released mere days before the album released?
It's exactly the kind of marketing blitz they'd eat right up on Mad Men.
Potential Pseudonym:
---- 6-4--
I know this might sound crazy...but imagine, if you will, producing a cover song of one of your own songs, and releasing it under a pseudonym. Maybe even get your brother to sing it.
...oh, she actually admitted to this one?
Confirmed Pseudonym:
-3-- 5------
Chasing theories often starts out with black and white answers before going in more speculative directions… still, at least you don't need to do this one 33 million times
▽G | ◯R | ⬦G | ◯T | ⬦N | ▽G |
⬦D | ▽K | ◯R | ▽H | ◯N | ▽O |
◯G | ▽T | ⬦X | ▽B | ◯S | ⬦U |
◯A | ▽R | ◯J | ◯N | ◯R | ⬦N |
▽T | ⬦O | ◯A | ⬦P | ▽A | ⬦S |
⬦D | ◯F | ▽A | ⬦E | ◯F | ▽V |
◯T | ▽S | ⬦G | ▽A | ⬦U | ◯X |
◯C | ⬦L | ◯L | ◯E | ▽U | ⬦E |
◯E | ▽I | ◯E | ▽F | ▽D |
An abode filled with memories, however fuzzy - but why does the elevator go to 13???
She's always hiding things places…where is it this time???
whiLe you were on a traIn / we always waNt what wE can't reach / life is full of little inteRruptioNs / wOn't stop until iT's over / she lost him, but she found herself, and somehow, that was Everything / tHey paid the price / I'll never tell / aDam / you are loveD / lovE aNd theft / hyannis Port / they loved eAch other reckleSSly / sAG / lovE is blind So you couldn't see me