The WyrmholeBack to round

Lost at Sea

Each crew finds their name in the next crew’s digital index. How can the fleet make it out safely?

1941 (r.) (1st)square with dot at bottom left, square with dot at bottom right
1941 (r.) (2nd) square with dot at top, square with dot at left, square with dot at center
1943 (l.)dented square with dot at left, square with dot at top right, dented square with dot at left
1982 (l.)square with dot at bottom left, square with dot at top right, square with dot at left
1889 (l.)square with dot at center
2013 (l.)square with dot at top right, square with dot at center, square with dot at top left
1975 (r.)square with dot at bottom, square with dot at right

seven ships on a triangular grid with a compass in the bottom right