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Hall of Innovation

by Catherine Wu, Ivan Wang, Jacqui Fashimpaur, and Vinjai Vale


This is a metapuzzle using the 7 feeders in the Innovation round.

Throughout the round, we discovered an interesting mechanic.

  • The answer to a feeder puzzle is not fixed.
  • Each feeder puzzle is controlled by a number of gizmos on the Factory Floor. For example, adjusting the clock hands or the 3x3 numpad will change the presentation of Connect the Dots.
  • When the shell is changed, the answer may change, and previously submitted guesses are reset.

In order to reach this metapuzzle, we need to determine the relationship of gizmos to feeder puzzles, and configure them such that we could solve them. A summary is provided below (the solution to each feeder explains the relationship in more detail).

Gizmo →

Feeder ↓
Gears with Dials3x3 GridClock HandsValvesCombinationSlidersWiresColored USBsText Input
Cryptexcycle pairs of rowsextract from sectorsantonym some words
Cipherclockwise hand symbols = extract ordervalves control vert/horizontal symbols in middlewires control vert/horiz symbols on left/rightfills or unfills symbols in the colored background
Image IDrotate images/indiceschanges images shown per category
Mazerotate wallsmove start/endput letters on diagonal
Connect the Dotscontrols which symbols get displayedposition of letters
Numberlinkwhich numbers to extractstart/end of outside loop
Word Searchwhich numbers to findwhich words to find

Now, we can look at the metapuzzle itself. At the top, the answers we’ve submitted appear crossed out and in red, while the unsolved answers show up as ???. (If we change a gizmo and submit a different answer, we can observe that this section will update with the new answer.) We will revisit this later.

The descriptions in the meta shell are solvable (even without any feeders); they clue pairs of real phrases with one letter off. They are helpfully ordered alphabetically by the full phrase. Reordering by year, we can take the changed letter for the cluephrase TEAM WIP, an abbreviation for TEAMWORK IN PROGRESS.

YearExhibit TitleCorrect PhraseFeeder AnswerDescriptionExtract
2021DENIAL ________DENTAL PRACTICEPRACTICEHard work and repetition make it easy to say no to dirty teeth.T
2022_____ ___ A DISKCLEAN OUT A DESKCLEANOUTThis invention requires removing office supplies and files from all the drawers on a hard drive.E
2023__________ CRTSINDUSTRIAL ARTSINDUSTRIALThis educational program was started to help youth develop familiarity with tools, machines, and old TVs.A
2024SILI___ _____ TESTSILICON FLAME TESTCONFLATEAn assay to determine if two or more ideas are combined with element 14, by setting it on fire.M
2025THE GREAT ________THE GREAT FIREWALLFIREBALLA Chinese program to regulate the Internet through explosive measures.W
2026________ OF CHOICEILLUSION OF CHOICEALLUSIONThis art piece implicitly calls to mind how we often have less control than we perceive.I
2027ALOHA ________ALPHA PARTICLEPARTICLEThe discovery of this He-y nucleus is frequently celebrated with flower necklaces and roast pig.P

However, upon submitting this, MATE informs us that something is not right with the feeders. We can see on the puzzle page that incorrect answers are crossed out. At this point, we must revisit the round structure and update the gizmos to configure the puzzles to output each of the “correct” feeder answers.

There is only one logical way to do so. The final gizmo configurations are displayed below:

Computer input displaying ARBITRARY4 pairs of dials on gears7 split wires on two sides. The first wire on the left is connected to the sixth on the right.3x3 grid of buttons. The top-left, top-middle, and left-middle are on.Clock with 8 hands. In clockwise order starting from the top, letters L, A, I, T, U, G, D, N on each hand.Five valves connecting pipes on a U-bend with lights on either side of each pipe. The second valve is on.Two sets of sliders, the top set to position 5, the bottom to position 3.Combination with 3 numbers, set to 7-1-8.

Once all of the feeders are configured correctly, we can resubmit the answer TEAMWORK IN PROGRESS.


Gizmo Solve Path

This details one possible path. There are different ways to get to the right answer.

We can first solve for part of Maze. It’s easy to see a path where the letters trace out F*LL given the right start and end constraints, so we infer that the answer to this is FIREBALL. The text input must be A?B??R*, the sliders must be (5-7)(1-3), and the dials are constrained up to a multiple of 4.

We can use the constraints on the sliders to guess that Image ID will extract to CONFLATE. We need the C??F* from FACEBOOK, which means that the sliders must be distance 2 mod 6 apart. This locks in the sliders at 5 and 3. By filling in the remaining letters in the answer, we know that red, blue, and one of yellow/pink must be in the color gizmo.

Numberlink is solved by moving the location of the 0 and 1 wire around. Since the solution stays the same in the center, we can figure out that PARTICLE is the only answer that can be extracted. This tells us that wires go from (1-2) to (4-7) and also uniquely determines the position of the slots as 718.

Now we can solve Word Search. The remaining answer that has an E close to the end of the word is PRACTICE. We can verify that the letters appear in the grid in row major order. In order to extract only these letters, we know that the set {ABIRTY} must be in the text input. This is enough to determine that the text input must be ARBITRARY.

Cryptex solves to ALLUSION – this is another educated guess. There are two different solutions.

An 8x3 grid of wordsAn 8x3 grid of words

However, in one of those configurations, Connect the Dots does not have enough connections to extract. Thus, Cryptex tells us dials modulo 3, that only the second valve is open, and that triangle, X and pill are on.

Since we know what buttons in the 3x3 grid are on, we can now solve Connect the Dots. As indicated by the spinning radar, we must read counterclockwise, and we will extract INDUSTRIAL. One of the Is and the lower S is given to us in the grid; the remaining extracted letters are from the clock hands. This mostly determines the order of the hands, but we use the lines drawn by the matched symbols to make the positions more precise. G is unused.

A radar with 13 symbols around the circumference. 3 white lines intersect the letters INDUSTRIAL when read counterclockwise

Finally, we get to Cipher, which has 4 input gizmos, most of which are already determined. The answer must be CLEANOUT. Since we know the second valve is on, the second word in the middle can only be CLOUD, PROUD or ALOUD. The upright oval is used in our answer, so it must be an L.

The PLA?E in the top right must have a vertical oval since the right wire is limited to 4-7. This means white must be turned off, since PLALE is not a word. By propagating similar logical deductions, we eventually determine the remainder of the gizmos.