Yes or No?

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Start by determining whether each of the bolded clues is true or false. The number of blanks on the right side matches the number of bolded clues in each row.

true, false, bolded clues

Try using True = 1 and False = 0 to find a seven letter message.


[check their work if provided]
Keep in mind that no two columns or rows may be identical when solving a Binairo puzzle.


Using the clues provided, you can reduce the first three letters to a single option each, and the last letter to two options.


"L" is not normally written with two strokes in lowercase.


The three letter word is DUE.

The first letter of the answer is in the word PUZZLE. The last letter of the answer appears in the title. The third letter of the answer is a consonant. This circuit outputs 1. Gigabytes and gibibytes are the same size according to the International Electrotechnical Commission. _ _
The answer has fewer letters than the title. Quick-break technology, which the modern light switch is based on, was patented in 1884. The Binary is an office building in Cairo, Egypt. The first letter of the answer has exactly one enclosed space when written as a capital letter. Ammonium chloride is a binary compound. P ⊆ NP _ _ _ _
The first version of what would become JavaScript was written in ten days. The first three letters of the answer form a valid English word. The penultimate letter of the answer is in the word BOXLIKE. Huffman coding is a method of creating an optimal prefix code. Charles Babbage never completed a working version of his Analytical Engine. It is possible to write both eight and negative eight in two's complement form using only four bits each. _ _ _ _
The length of the answer is divisible by two. The answer is playable in a game of English Scrabble. The last letter of the answer is one of the 18 least frequent letters in the English language. Stuxnet was a cyberattack designed to damage equipment of the Iranian Nuclear Program. The length of the answer is divisible by three. The penultimate letter of the answer is a consonant. _
ENIAC was decommissioned a little less than 10 years after its first practical use. The Python programming language is named after the snake. The last letter of the answer is not in the word TRUE. Binary fission is a form of sexual reproduction. The second letter of the answer has an enclosed space when written as a capital letter. Ada Lovelace published the first computer algorithm in Notes. _ _ _ _
The Dog Star is actually a binary star system. Boolean algebra was first introduced in Gödel, Escher, Bach, an Eternal Golden Braid. The word 'byte' came about because of a misspelling in an internal missive. AVL trees and red-black trees are both types of binary trees. The binary search algorithm performs at least n^2 operations in the worst case, where n is the number of elements in the array being searched. The third letter of the answer is in the first six letters of the English alphabet. _ _ _ _ _
The last letter of the answer has exactly one enclosed space when written as a capital letter. A false dichotomy is the reduction of a situation to two options, when other options exist. C# was called "Cool" (C-like Object Oriented Language) prior to being named C#. 01010100 01010010 01010101 01000101 A provably secure hash function is an example of a one-way function. _ _ _ _
The number of vowels in the answer is even. The last letter of the answer has exactly one enclosed space when written as a capital letter. The second letter of the answer has a curved stroke when written as a capital letter. The penultimate letter of the answer is usually written without lifting the pencil in lower case. The first letter of the answer is not adjacent to a vowel in the alphabet.