Solution to Voltage-Controlled

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by Lennart Jansson

The puzzle contains 11 screenshots of software modular synthesizer patches, a number of “snippets” of letters and numbers in sorted order, and a few blanks at the bottom.

We can determine the screenshots are all of VCV Rack, a free and open source Eurorack modular synthesizer simulator, by googling the names of a few of the modules.

The first step is to reproduce all of the synth patches by downloading VCV Rack ourselves, finding the same modules, connecting them with patch cables, and setting the knobs in the same way as seen in the images. Some modules used in the patches were created by third-party developers, so we must find those in the VCV Rack Library and add them to our account. All of the patches use the MIDI-CV module set to “QWERTY keyboard”, which lets us play the synthesizer by tapping keys on a computer QWERTY keyboard.

The mapping of QWERTY keyboard key to musical pitch can be seen in the following image, found in the VCV Rack manual:

We infer that the letters, numbers, and punctuation (square brackets) that appear on the snippets at the bottom of the puzzle are notes meant to be played as keyboard input through one of the synth patches. The ripped edges on the snippets suggest we should first piece them together like a jigsaw to produce recognizable musical melodies. Eleven of the snippets have beveled, rather than ripped, left edges (which matches the number of Rack patch screenshots), so we can guess that these are the “starting points”. Eleven other snippets have red outlines, so we might also guess at this point that one of these will appear in each line and be used somehow for extraction.

The snippets are short enough that piecing together the melodies from the given letters/musical notes alone is quite difficult. Fortunately, we can use the VCV Rack patches to help, since each one of them reproduces an iconic synthesizer sound from a well-known song — if we can recognize the timbre, or use it as a clue to jog our memory, it’s easier to piece together that tune out of the snippets.

After reassembling all the melodies, matching them with the corresponding synth patches, then playing the notes on our computer, we can identify the following 11 songs:

Song Artist Snippets VCV patch audio Original audio (for comparison)
Just Dance Lady Gaga E63 Y6E 63 Y6
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites Skrillex BTRT 7TO I7VJ NR3W QJR JBJW ]O7 T[7 TRBT RT7 TOI7 VJN R3W
Axel F Harold Faltermeyer R6RR 7R3 RIR R9I 6RI [R3 3QTR
Take On Me a-ha 55W MME EE6 6YU YYY EW55 5E E5E
The Final Countdown Europe 2M2 GW2 W2M W2W GMNM NHMN
Popcorn Hot Butter UYU5 W5MU YU5W 5MU 9O9O U9U9 YUY UTU
Megalovania Toby Fox WWOY 6TR WRT QQO Y6T RWRT
Nuthin’ But a “G” Thang Dr. Dre UYU9 UYT5 E5UY U9UY T5E5
Bad Guy Billie Eilish BWB 2W2 JBW B2W 2JB
Kids MGMT NM2E 565 E2MN M2E5 65E2
Sandstorm Darude UPO YUP UPU POYU PUPU

Indeed, exactly one of the snippets in each melody has a red outline, so we can use the position of that snippet to index into the song name:

Song name Snippets Position of red outline Indexed letter
Just Dance E63 Y6E 63 Y6 2 U
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites BTRT 7TO I7VJ NR3W QJR JBJW ]O7 T[7 TRBT RT7 TOI7 VJN R3W 9 S
Axel F R6RR 7R3 RIR R9I 6RI [R3 3QTR 3 E
Take On Me 55W MME EE6 6YU YYY EW55 5E E5E 7 M
The Final Countdown 2M2 GW2 W2M W2W GMNM NHMN 2 H
Popcorn UYU5 W5MU YU5W 5MU 9O9O U9U9 YUY UTU 3 P
Megalovania WWOY 6TR WRT QQO Y6T RWRT 5 L
Nuthin’ But a “G” Thang UYU9 UYT5 E5UY U9UY T5E5 2 U
Bad Guy BWB 2W2 JBW B2W 2JB 4 G
Kids NM2E 565 E2MN M2E5 65E2 2 I

The blanks at the bottom have enumeration 3 2 6. The indexed letters, when filled into those blanks, spell out USE MH PLUGIN. If we return to the VCV Rack Library and search for “MH”, we can find a plugin by a suspicious author containing a single module, with a panel design that looks similar to the snippets in this puzzle. We can download this plugin and add the Spiro module to our existing patches.

The V/OCT and GATE inputs on the Spiro module suggest we should connect them to the control voltage outputs (containing the keyboard note pitch, and whether a key is being held or not, respectively) of the same names on the MIDI-CV module. The Spiro module has two outputs, X and Y, which suggest that we should plot the signals being emitted from the module as a 2D path in the XY plane. Rack has a built-in oscilloscope module (VCV Scope) that has a XY display mode feature if we hit the button labeled X×Y, so we can add a Scope to the patch also and connect it up.

At first, playing notes to Spiro just seems to result in spirograph patterns that don’t seem to convey any information.

But if we play a sequence of notes that matches the snippets for one of the songs we identified earlier, Spiro will instead draw out a letter or two letters on the oscilloscope. For example, playing the sequence E63Y6E63Y6 (for Just Dance) results in:

We can do this for each sequence of snippets to get new letters for each song:

Song name Snippets Spiro letters
Just Dance E63 Y6E 63 Y6 E
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites BTRT 7TO I7VJ NR3W QJR JBJW ]O7 T[7 TRBT RT7 TOI7 VJN R3W LE
Axel F R6RR 7R3 RIR R9I 6RI [R3 3QTR CT
Take On Me 55W MME EE6 6YU YYY EW55 5E E5E RI
The Final Countdown 2M2 GW2 W2M W2W GMNM NHMN C
Nuthin’ But a “G” Thang UYU9 UYT5 E5UY U9UY T5E5 QU
Bad Guy BWB 2W2 JBW B2W 2JB IP
Kids NM2E 565 E2MN M2E5 65E2 ME

This spells out the final answer, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT.

Author’s Notes

This puzzle was inspired by how synthesizers often come with presets that reproduce sounds from well-known songs. One of my first experiences with this was playing with a preset for the VST wavetable synth Xfer Serum that emulated the oscillator hard sync lead from Daft Punk’s Robot Rock, and I remember being amazed at how close it sounded to the original patch even though the synth itself was different.

Some synth sounds are iconic and recognizable no matter what context they’re used in. You might not know it by name but I guarantee you’ve heard the sound of the E.PIANO 1 preset on the Yamaha DX7 in dozens of songs. So the idea here with this puzzle was, instead of a typical music identification puzzle in which you are given a bunch of audio clips, what if we just give you a bunch of synth patches that produce iconic sounds and you supply your own notes to make the audio clips yourself? My hope was that it’d introduce some interesting new puzzly ambiguities (“which notes belong with which synth sound?”), make the music ID less shortcuttable (you probably wouldn’t be able to Shazam your own synth performance), and along the way hopefully give you some joy plunking out your own funny beep boop noises (the real reason any of us care about synthesizers in the first place).

The final step of this puzzle was inspired by Electronic Love from the 2011 Mystery Hunt.