Next House

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As fitting with the dorm name, we'll want to take the next song in the album. (Note that the songs in the playlist are currently alphabetized, so we'll want to resort them later.) Do you see anything in common with these next songs?

You might want to listen to (or look at the lyrics) of the next songs.

The next songs all are "list songs". That is, at some point of the song, they enumerate a list of things. Do any of these things look familiar to you?

list song, angle brackets, budapest, chaska, defy, entropy, fax

What natural operation can you do to transform the answers that you've identified as part of this meta?

duracells, alabama, nebraska, crucify, empathy, rename it

Note that the songs in the playlist are currently alphabetized, so we'll want to resort.


DANCER is not the answer, but it's on the right track! Might need to do it again one last time...