Solution to Button Press

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by Herman Chau

On the first floor of ⊥IW.kilo there is a computer in the southwest corner whose screen is turned on. If we use that computer we'll be transported to a room in ⊥IW.kilo that has a giant Staples Easy button guarded by some size gates.

The room layout is shown below with the size change devices details marked. Note that the Easy button requires a teammate of size XL to step on it.

Image of the new room with the Staples Easy button.

When we enter this room we are automatically set to size M. In order to have a teammate of size XL reach the Easy button we need a total of 4 teammates to perform the following:

  • One teammate of size M holds the M door open. Three teammates use the size change device behind the M door to become size XL.
  • One teammate of size XL holds the XL door open. Two teammates use the size change device behind the XL door to become size L.
  • One teammate of size L holds the L door open. One teammate uses the size change device behind the L door to become size S.
  • The teammate of size XL holds the XL door open. The teammate of size S goes through the XL door and holds the S door open. The teammate of size XL goes through the S door and presses the Easy button.

When the Easy button is pressed, it makes the classic "That was easy." sound effect and we complete the field goal, obtaining the answer THINKING OF.