Transcript of Wizard’s Escape Recording

The following contains a faithful transcription of all voices on the recording. Other sounds have been, or may have been, omitted.


Historian: “Historical footage recovered from the site of the Wizard's Study. Footage begins in 3…2…1…”
Wizard: "…your way out. You may begin."
Colin: “Were we supposed to be listening to that? Hopefully one of you guys was listening to that."
Toni: “Listening to what, Colin? I don't understand what's going on here."
Sarah: "He was saying that we're locked in the wizard's study…"
Brad: "I got this. I don't know you—what's your name?"
Sarah: "Sarah—we met outside, and…"
Brad: "Okay—He was saying we have 60 minutes to get out of the room. Pretty typical Wizard's Study stuff, this is nothing new. I've done a lot of these—we'll be out of here in 25 max"
Derek: “Oh woah, guys, is this door locked?"
Colin: “Yeah, Derek, that's what Brad and that other girl were just saying. You remember, we left the bar, you threw up, and then said, "Guys, let's go try an escape room!" and we met this girl in the lobby?"
Derek: “Oh right…that room was awesome"
Colin: “We're still in the room, Derek…we just got here. God, you're somehow stupider drunk"
Derek: “And you’re somehow drupider stunk, too."
Toni: “So are we supposed to do something? This room is weird, guys"
Sarah: “You're Toni, right? Well, we could start by looking around the room and …"
Brad: “Just a second - it's really important to be organized in these rooms, okay. We should start by the door and search the room clockwise. Colin—you start."
Colin: “Okay, first there's this table in the corner with a mirror on the wall behind it. There's a drawer—let me just…Ah, there's a combination lock…looks like 4 letters."
Toni: “I can probably open that, I guess. At least I get to sit down while I try…"
Sarah: “That's an awful lot of possibilities…"
Derek: “Sarah, there's only like 26 letters in the alphabet, I mean how long can it take to do 26 combinations? You know…"
Brad: “God, don't be an idiot—there's four tumblers. So there's 26 times 4 combinations - that's 68!
Sarah: “Ummm…actually…"
Toni: “Alright, I’ll try…AAAA…dang…AAAB…dang…AAAC…dangit…AAAD…"
Brad: “Let's keep going. Here on the next wall there's these two pictures of old guys…they're probably Presidents."
Colin: “Dude, they're wearing wizard hats, those aren't Presidents"
Brad: “They probably just added the hats—a lot of times they're Presidents"
Sarah: “They're not. There are two more of them over here on the opposite wall…"
Brad: “Look, like I said, can we just go around the room clockwise, otherwise you guys are going to get confused."
Derek: “Anything else on the old guy wizard pictures?"
Brad: “Nope"
Sarah: “Well… yes! The ones over here have dates on the bottom like birthdays and deathdays. This guy was born October 2nd, and this guy December 9th"
Brad: “Okay, yeah, okay, I have dates below these ones as well. Alright, well then after the pictures we have a grate on the floor near the wall. I can see a strip of paper under it. The grate's locked by…oh, this is a directional lock. Have you guys seen these before?"
Colin: “What's it do?"
Brad: “Well, so you can move the center button around to any direction, see? And I can't tell if this one needs to be reset or not."
Toni: “Do they always have those markings on them, those triangles?"
Brad: “What…oh, no, that is new. Let's see, the top one's a triangle pointing up. On the right's a triangle pointing down with a line running through it. On the bottom's a triangle pointing up with a line through it, and on the left, I don't know, I'm guessing the lock was just made that way."
Sarah: “Maybe we should keep searching…"
Derek: “Well, here in the next corner, we've got a chest on the ground…and it's locked and I can't figure out how to open it. Oh, look up here, though, on the wall above it. Everybody see this? Do you see where I’m pointing? Everybody, see? There's a birdhouse…cute!"
Brad: “Let me take a look—there's 8 buttons on it—well, 7, one of them is missing. Great, it's probably broken. Alright, one of them is on top by itself on the front of the birdhouse; the other seven…or six and a hole I guess… are in a row below it. The top one says 'Seven-headed warbler' on it."
Colin: “Press that top one!"
Warbler: "Repeat my cries to receive my prize"
Sarah: “I can play that, maybe those buttons are just keys. Let me try playing it."
Warbler: "Squawk! Doesn't sound right to me! Squawk!"
Brad: “Nice job, Mozart! What do those buttons say below?"
Sarah: “Um…Atticus surnamus, Blusterus grandus, Buttockus pokus, Canadius baseballus, Lookus outus, and Two-underus parrus"
Derek: "It looks like Latin. Brad, Brad aren’t you from Latin America?"
Brad: “No, and that's just nonsense anyway- we'll get back to it later"
Sarah: “Well, to keep going, right next to the chest is a tree stump, with a silver pear sitting on it. Oh, and there's a hole in the base of the trunk. Carved next to it, it says 'only the blackest of light can illuminate my depths'"
Brad: “Great, anybody have a flashlight on them?"
Colin: “Use your cellphone, man"
Brad: “Oh, right, right. Nope, I don't see anything in there…ugh, whatever"
Toni: “Hey, did you guys notice there's a plaque under the mirror, here?"
Brad: “What! Oh, uh, yeah, remind me, what does it say?"
Toni: “A soul's breath will reveal my secrets"
Brad: “Great, anybody have a soul on them? No, okay, what else we got?"
Sarah: “Well, here, opposite the door, there's this big wooden wardrobe/closet thing. No drawers, just these big doors. They're held together by a big knot of twine."
Colin: “Great—untie the knot or just tear it off"
Brad: "I can't - you try"
Colin: “Sure. Fine—find me a knife or something and we'll get rid of that rope."
Colin: “What do you got there, Derek?"
Derek: “I found it on the floor next to the closet. It's a piece of wood, and it's got something carved into one side."
Colin: “You want to tell us what it says?"
Derek: “Oh, right, sorry, it's a big circle with four arrows on it pointing in different directions. And the one pointing left has a 'Z' on it."
Sarah: “I think you're holding it wrong."
Brad: “Yeah, exactly, you gotta turn it all the way around. The arrow with the 'Z' should point to the right, Derek, cause 'Z' is the last letter of the alphabet."
Derek: “Oh, right, okay, got it."
Colin: “Is there anything else on it?"
Derek: “Oh yeah, lots."
Colin: “WHAT!!! You gotta to tell us what it…"
Derek: “Oh, right, sorry, okay. Inside the circle are like eight, no, nine arrows, like 3 in a row, and then 3 in a row, and then 3 in a row, like tic-tac-toe. And each one's pointing in a different direction."
Colin: “Can you read them?"
Derek: “No, they're pretty fuzzy…"
Brad: “Ugh….give it here…alright reading across, it's N, S, E, S, W, E, SW, N, and S"
Sarah: “Hey, look at the back of it."
Brad: “What—oh yeah, look at the back of it- it's got a #1 on it! Oh, so we're going to find more of these, so tell everybody if you find one. Let's keep searching though. Tell me about that desk in the next corner"
Colin: “There's not much—just this beaker thing—it's attached to the desk; I can't move it."
Sarah: “What about this sign next to it, '3 ounces pure of morning dew, my secrets will I share with you'"
Brad: “Oh, this is gonna be one of those water-measuring puzzles; I've seen these a ton - be on the lookout for things that hold water."
Derek: “Woah, check out the big pot in the middle of the room here!"
Brad: “That's a cauldron—what does it say there on the side?"
Derek: “I do not have the ability to read at the moment…"
Colin: “I got this—it says "Deliver three things Copper, Silver, and Gold, and soon your reward from the mist will unfold"
Toni: “Copper like pennies?"
Brad: “Ah—good idea! Here, I've got some change!"
Colin: “Okay, who has anything silver on them?"
Toni: “I think my toe ring might be silver—here…"
Colin: “Great, now what about gold? Derek, man, isn't your iPhone gold?"
Derek: “What, sorry, I was playing Angry Birds…"
Colin: “Lemme see your phone for a second"
Derek: “But… uh… Okay, here, but I was playing…"
Derek: “My phone! Dude! …"
Colin: “That definitely should have worked, I think I see something down in the cauldron, hold on…"
Colin: “There's some wires I just have to get through—hold on"
Wizard: "HUZZAH!"
Colin: “Ah—got it! Ah, it's just a dumb vial."
Sarah: “Wait, that vial has something on the bottom—it says '9 ounces'"
Brad: “I guess we'll have to figure out what that's for later. Just keep going, Colin - what do you have on that next wall?"
Colin: “Just those 2 paintings what's her name, Sarah, was talking about. Oh, and look here between them—it's like a mousehole."
Brad: “Reach in!"
Colin: “You reach in! I'm not gettin' bit!!"
Brad: “Fine, what's next?"
Colin: “Wait a second - next to the mousehole is this little stuffed horse"
Derek: “Cute—let me see"
Derek: “Awww, he makes little horsey noises when you squeeze him."
Toni: “DANE…dang…DANF…dang…DANG…dang…"
Colin: “Waghh, Lluuuh"
Derek: “Why are you flailing around like that, Colin??"
Colin: “There's a stupid fly in here, keeps buzzing me!"
Toni: “Hey, guys, what's with the keg that's sitting under the desk you were looking at? I can't tell from here, but it looks like there's a tap on the end of it…"
Derek: “Outta my way!!"
Sarah: “Wait, Derek, that says 'Morning Dew' on the side—we need that for the beaker!"
Derek: "No problem!"
Sarah: “No, it says we need exactly 3 ounces!"
Wizard: "EUREKA!"
Derek: “I know—my mouth holds exactly 3 ounces of liquid!"
Sarah: “How could you possibly know that?"
Derek: “I used to work at Starbucks"
Colin: “Wow…Hey, look, something just fell out from under the desk when you did that! It's a weird button thing—it says 'Burr-din-us me-taph-or-us' on it - are we supposed to know this language or something?"
Brad: “I bet we'll find a dictionary later—just hold on to it"
Sarah: “I saw something else fall, too. Look, it's a piece of paper. Let's see, it looks like it describes different elementals that cause natural disasters."
Derek: “Wait, elementals cause natural disasters!!"
Sarah: “Just in the story of the room, Derek. Like Elteron causes Earthquakes, and Ventria causes Volcanos, and Frastic causes Floods.
Brad: “Does it say anything else?"
Sarah: “Well, there's one for Hurricanes and one for Tornados, oh and here's some symbols, too"
Derek: “What kind of symbols?"
Sarah: “Triangles, mostly."
Brad: “Huh, hold on to that one actually. That one could be important"
Sarah: “Okay, well, right after the two pictures and the mousehole here, there's a pedestal. It looks like the top is hinged but locked with a…4 number combination lock."
Colin: “Anything else?"
Sarah: “Yeah. There are four metal plates flush with the top of the pedestal, each with a different mythological animal on it."
Brad: “Like what?"
Sarah: “There's a griffin, a hippogriff, a cockatrice, and a chimera"
Colin: “A hippo-what?"
Sarah: “There's also a plaque. It says 'My soft pets value 1 through 5. What values these four, if alive?'"
Brad: “I don't know what to do with that. What else do we have?"
Derek: “Hey, next to the pedestal thing, isn't that another one of those wooden pieces with the arrows on it"
Brad: “Arrows…right right right right wait! The directional lock! Here read it to me"
Derek: “Colin, you read it, I can't see this stuff still"
Colin: “Fine, how am I supposed to hold it?"
Brad: “With the 'Z' facing to the right."
Colin: “I don't see a 'Z', just a number '3'"
Brad: “Flip it over, man…jeez"
Colin: “Okay, okay, okay, I got it. Flip it over, 'Z' to the right. Okay, you ready?"
Brad: “I'm ready"
Colin: “Okay, it's W, SW, W, W, NE, W, E, NE, NE"
Brad: “Ah, it worked! I knew it!!"
Wizard: "WUNDERBAR!”
Colin: “Open it up, let me see. I found this poem thing inside there. It says, 'No rose can hold my secret sell; so pay this poem my heat will tell.' Does that mean anything to anyone, and isn't cell spelled with a 'c'?"
Brad: “Yes—ugh, so sloppy…"
Sarah: “Look at the top of it, too. It's flat on the top but all ripped on the bottom."
Brad: “Well, while we all think about that, we're almost done searching the room. What do you have over there in the last corner, Colin?
Colin: “Back here, there's a bookcase. I've got…well, not much. There's an open book here that seems fixed to the shelf—I can flip pages…oh, it's The Tempest."
Brad: “Any particular edition? I mean, there are differences you know!"
Colin: “I don't know, looks pretty open source—it's got line numbers that go up pretty high—geez, how long is this play?"
Brad: “Fine—what else"
Colin: “Above that, there's a statue of a queen, and a bunch of books on the shelf between two gold bookends: Adjunct Spellcasting; Capricornucopia; Double-Decker Bicycle Design; Grammar for Sorcerers; Horseproofing your Home; Laughing Potions; Lifeblood, the Friendly Vampire; Lord Mayor Gigglesnout; Mandrake Turnovers; Nocturnal Sunbathing; The Trojan Woodchuck; and Varmint Juleps"
Brad: “I don't think I've read any of those. What else?"
Colin: “That's about it."
Brad: “Well, that's pretty much the whole room. Anyone have any ideas?"
Colin: “Oh, and there's this stick…"
Sarah: “I'm pretty sure that's a wand."
Colin: “Looks like a stick"
Sarah: “It says 'Wand Instructions' on the side…"
Colin: “Okay, a wand"
Sarah: “Can I see it? The instructions say—'cast only upon reflection'"
Brad: “Oh, okay, that means we have to reverse something"
Derek: “Or just maybe think about it a lot first?"
Brad: “No, Derek, it's definitely reverse something"
Sarah: “I think the wand says something else on the other side"
Brad: “Yeah, why didn't you see that before?"
Colin: “Well, I can understand casting something called STRENGTH, but why would I want to summon a SEQUOIA"
Toni: “For like UberXL, I mean sometimes you've got a lot of people with you"
Brad: “Ow! What the hell, Colin!"
Colin: “That stupid fly - it landed in your hair"
Brad: “Well don't hit me with a freakin' stick…jeez!"
Sarah: “Still the wand"
Toni: “Hey, did you guys notice this ring of symbols on the floor?"
Colin: “Oh, wow, yeah, it's faint but you can tell—it's a circle that goes around the whole room. It looks like there are maybe a dozen symbols on it."
Brad: “Oh, does anybody recognize the symbols?"
Colin: “Over here by the door there's two of them. One is like some kind of funky, curvy 'H' and the one closer to the mirror is…umm…maybe a uterus?"
Derek: “I think the one over here by the bookshelf is just two straight lines, but I don't know, everything still looks pretty wavy to me. Oh, that's cool, and the symbol kind of clicks when I stand on it."
Colin: “Next to the uterus is…oh, I don't know, Toni's sitting on that one, and I can't see the one next to that, but then I can see…I'll say…two sperm square dancing?"
Derek: “Let’s put the dancing sperm into Colin’s uterus!”
Brad: “Derek, c’mon. Ok, got it—bunch of symbols, just let me know if you see them anywhere else. Any other ideas?"
Colin: “Oh, that stupid fly again!"
Derek: “Here, use the stick"
Sarah: “Wand"
Toni: “There, the fly’s on the mirror!"
Colin: “Got ‘em!"
Brad: “Oh, that opened up the mirror! Hey, what's all is in there?"
Derek: “Let's see, I see two pieces of paper and …aww, it's another stuffed animal!"
Derek: “Awww…sweet!"
Brad: “What about the pieces of paper?"
Derek: “Ok, the first one says Hornoscope…no, wait, sorry …horoscope…I thought it said 'Hornoscope'"
Toni: “Let me take a break from this stupid letter lock; I like a good horoscope. This one has little squiggly shapes and stuff next to each of the zodiac signs. I'm a Libra, mine says, 'This shall be a fine fortnight for harvesting berries and..'. That's weird…"
Brad: “The last group probably just left part of their newspaper here. That doesn't even sound like it's supposed to be part of the room. You really have to watch out for stuff like that. What about the other piece of paper?"
Derek: “Sarah, you read this one"
Sarah: “Sure; it says, 'My close door wine will soon be free, When magic maxim viced rally.'"
Toni: “Viced rally?? What does that even mean?? Ugh, I hate this room."
Sarah: “This one is ripped on the top, if anyone cares."
Toni: “What was that bird thing I heard before?"
Brad: “What's her name already tried it—I think it's broken"
Toni: “Let me try. Wait, I need a button right here"
Colin: “Any you don't need"
Toni: “Um, if it's like my piano at home, I don't need this one"
Colin: “Great, I'll just rip it out and put it where you need it!"
Sarah: “Um…I don't think those are the right keys—I think there must be another way to figure it out…"
Toni: “Yeah, my piano at home was really out of tune, so I play different keys—let me try!"
Wizard: "EXCELSIOR!"
Brad: “That worked! I think it opened the chest. Nice job, Toni! You're good at this!"
Colin: “God, stop trying to impress Toni, Brad, she's not into you!"
Brad: “I wasn't trying to…and you don't get to deci…"
Wizard: "WELL DONE!"
Brad: “That was weird. We were looking at the chest— what's in there?"
Sarah: “Um, just this flashlight—let me check, yeah, it's a UV light"
Brad: “Excellent—I'll start checking absolutely everything in the room with it!!"
Toni: “Colin, are you really fixing your hair?!"
Colin: “Why would they put a mirror here, if they didn't want us to look good"
Toni: “Well do you have to do it while I'm sitting here, you're getting hairspray everywhere"
Sarah: “Hey, look at the mirror!"
Toni: “Yeah, there's a message now!"
Colin: “It says 'Spell Spell with Wand'"
Brad: “'Spell, Spell,' really??"
Colin: “What?"
Brad: “Well they obviously mean 'Cast spell', that's just a lazy typo—they should have caught that"
Sarah: “Are you sure?"
Brad: “Yeah, I hate it when they make mistakes like that and then just decided it's too hard to fix them…just lazy"
Colin: “It really seems like one of these mixed-up animal panels is loose, but I can't pry it up"
Sarah: “We're probably not supposed to, then…"
Colin: “Nah, let me just… need a little something here to move it a little"
Brad: “Man, I have looked everywhere with this light. I can't find anything!"
Sarah: “Can I try for a second—I want to try the tree stump"
Brad: “Remember I already looked there with my cellphone?"
Sarah: “Yeah, but still…"
Brad: “Yup, if you want to waste your time…"
Sarah: “Hey look—it worked! I can see a drawing of an island and a big storm. And some numbers below it."
Brad: “Okay, what are the numbers?"
Sarah: “There are 5…6…7, 7 pairs of them. It's 804 and 2, 278 and 5, 85 and 2, 1629 and 3, 859 and 1, 65 and 3, and 398 and 4"
Brad: “Ugh—God, I hate it when they make you stop and do math…I'll take a look at it in a few minutes"
Colin: “You know, the hinges on this pedestal also look pretty loose…"
Sarah: “I don't really think you should…."
Wizard: "AWESOME!"
Colin: “Hah, that worked!"
Brad: “Great—what's in there?"
Colin: “Just this piece of copper pipe—nothing else. I still think I could pry one of these panels on the top loose, though…"
Brad: “And there's something odd about this bookcase. Okay, so a lot of times in these rooms you can like pull the right thing and the bookcase moves. I'm trying everything, though. The stuff that's stuck on here is really stuck"
Colin: “Here, try using the pipe for leverage"
Brad: “Thanks—nope, nothing"
Colin: “Well, I still can't pry this animal panel up, either"
Sarah: “Didn't you just solve that one? I don't think it's supposed to…"
Colin: “Yeah, but it felt pretty loose. I wanna keep trying."
Brad: “Oh, well here, try the pipe over there. I'm going to keep working on …"
Colin: “Okay, let me just try to…"
Sarah: “Hey, look, something just flew out of the mousehole."
Derek: “It's a sheet of paper. Here ya go, Toni"
Toni: “It's a list of names, and it says, 'Recent Attacks' on the top."
Sarah: “What are the names?"
Toni: “Helgardt, Frastic, Frastic, Ventria, Frastic, and Elteron."
Sarah: “Those are the names of the elementals from before—that's gotta be important."
Brad: “Hey guys, I think I've got something here! Alright, so if I feel around the back of the bookshelf, I think I can feel where they put their sensors. And look, if you really mess with the books, you can tell which ones have RFID chips in them—so I think I can shortcut it if I figure out which ones…"
Wizard: "BRAVO!"
Brad: “Hah—suck it!"
Colin: “Great—what'd we get?"
Brad: “Well, it's just another stupid poem…'Most any touch, a sock, a kiss—Can join both queen and…' ugh, this is dumb. We're almost out of time!"
Toni: “This letter lock is taking soooo long…"
Brad: “I'm going to check out the bookshelf again—maybe I missed something—it can't just be that note…"
Wizard: "GOOD WORK!"
Toni: “Woah, what did you do!"
Brad: “What do you mean?"
Toni: “As soon as you walked over to the bookcase, I felt the floor panel under me vibrate and the four paintings just dropped down!"
Brad: “Oh, yeah, that's what I expected to happen…"
Sarah: “Here—where the painting dropped—there's a small shelf where I could put something round, and a picture of a dragon behind it—the picture says the dragon is called 'Granitas'"
Derek: “Yeah, the one here has a shelf and a dragon too—and this one is called 'Papyrosaur'. That's a sweet name, bro."
Toni: “The one here doesn't have any of that—it has like a bunch of orbs and a stuffed goat"
Derek: “Ooo—let me see the goat!"
Sarah: “The orbs have names: 'Sonic Blast, Cutting Blow, Nosebleed, Moondance, Ice Storm, Rockslide, Crystal Shard, Phantom Wolf, Confetti Bomb, Prismatic Volley, Fragrant Charm, and Licorice"
Derek: “Awww…I'm keeping this one!"
Sarah: “Let me see if one of the orbs fits into this shelf"
Brad: “Wait—what color is the dragon there?"
Sarah: “Green"
Brad: “Oh great—well here's a green one! See that's probably the trick"
Sarah: “Um—ok."
Derek: “This one is white"
Brad: “Oh great…here. Here's a white one."
Sarah: “Don't I see a couple more white orbs?"
Brad: “What—oh, uh, yeah, but maybe we just try this one"
Sarah: “Really? Because I'm not…"
Colin: “This one over here is orange!"
Brad: “I don't have orange; here's red—that's probably close enough!"
Sarah: “I really don't think that…"
Wizard: "SUPERB!"
Brad: “See! Told ya!"
Sarah: “Did you see that?"
Derek: “See what?"
Sarah: “When you did that, a small mechanical dragon just flew across the top of the room and dropped that bag!"
Derek: “What's in the bag!"
Sarah: “Oh, there's two more of those blocks of wood with the arrows on them. And another one of these stuffed animals—this one is a bird!"
Brad: “We already solved the bird puzzle—we're not going to need that"
Toni: “Okay, this is taking forever, this HAS to be more than 68 combinations. If I don't get anywhere on this last dial, I quit. 'C', dang, 'D,' dang, 'E' da…wait, it opened! And it was a real fricking word!"
Wizard: "KUDOS TO YOU!"
Colin: “Hey, found another piece of paper here. This one says 'A word mad from six runs away. One from each thee line will tray'"
Brad: “Still garbage."
Derek: “And it's ripped on both top and bottom, so that doesn't help us at all."
Colin: “Hey, and here's another vial—this one says 5oz on it"
Brad: “We still don't have enough to solve that measuring puzzle"
Sarah: “And Derek already solved it…"
Derek: “I used my mouth."
Colin: “Oh, there’s also a stuffed snake"
Derek: “Giv'em here!"
Brad: “Oh, don't, please—I think we all know what sound a snake makes…geez. You know, these last couple things were useless, and we're running out of time! Anybody have any thoughts?
Toni: “Hey—was that closet always open?"
Brad: “What!! Wait, wait, how long has that been…it looks like there's another room back there…go! Go! Go!"
Wizard: "Congratulations for getting this far! Truly you have proven yourselves worthy of my final, and simplest challenge. The panel before you relies only upon your knowledge of what you've done already to escape my chambers. Since you have gotten this far using only your wits and have broken none of the rules, you will soon escape and prove yourselves worthy!"
Sarah: “Aw crap…"
Derek: “Hey, guys. I can’t find my phone. Does anyone know where it is, cause…”
Historian: "Transmission completed. Please go to for additional archival evidence."