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Cactus Canyon

Four Dead in Five Seconds

by Melinda T. Owens

In this puzzle, teams play a modified version of Mastermind with HQ to find the answers to questions. The players are given black sequin pillows. Each pillow has a shape on it in a certain color (red, yellow, green, or blue) on a black background. Brushing the sequins blacked out parts of this shape. Players covered up parts of the shapes to make letters to spell out the answers. They had to do so quickly, trading pillows amongst themselves since different shapes formed different letters.

The game was played in three rounds. Here are the correct answers:

Round Question Answer (pillow colors)
1 The outlaws are coming at you, yelling all sorts of language.
It all sounds Greek to you.
You’re going to announce yourselves!
Considering the initials of your location (Range Horse Open Space), what are you going to tell them?
You’re going to tell them you’re the … what?
green, red, yellow, blue
2 Oh no, they’re wielding gardening implements!
What kind of gardening implements do you think they have?
green, blue, red, yellow
3 They’re here! What are you going to do? You’re going to ­­­vanquish them.
You’re going to ____ them!
yellow, red, green, blue

After getting the letters to each round, sort them in rainbow order within each round to get the phrase HORSESHOE BAT.