GC SF Sp WH BV YL BT CP SA CB CC Back to puzzle

Cactus Canyon


by Larry Hosken

Tomás de Torquemada

Each clued phrase contains something from Physics (mechanics). Kind of like TORQUEmada. When filling in the blanks, use the letter you'd use for that Physics-thing in equations.
modern TIMEs                        Modern ts
doug FORCEtt                     douG ftt
SPEED racer                       s Racer
austin POWERs	                    Austin ps
DRAGon boat festival  don boat festiVal
under PRESSURE                   undEr p
fireWORKs                      firewS


Cardinal Ximénez

In this "unexpected" crossword, X has been removed from some clues and answers. 18- and 38-Across are the symmetrically-opposite rhyming words, STOCKS BLOCKS.
1. MYTH / Legend
5. HEM / Dress's lower edge
8. SPEW / Emit forcefully
12. ALOEVERA / Crossworder's fave succulent
14. LOCO / Very crazy in Veracruz
15. TENDERER / One who bids
16. IRUN / How I chase foes (not really)
17. MIIN (MIXIN) / Recipe instruction
18. STOCKS / Fills shelves
20. SOS / Morse-friendly m'aider
22. INKPAD / Rubber stamp's partner
24. ACCOMPANY / Go with
28. IBE (IBEX) / Goat near mountain ape (apex)?
29. MEAN / Average
30. RIM / Not the center of a frisbee
31. RELA (RELAX) / Take it easy
32. ELM / Tree type
33. DISABUSED / Persuaded otherwise
35. NEESON / He played Jinn
37. SAM / Uncle ___, USA mascot
38. BLOCKS / Thwarts
40. BAAL / #WicDiv Kanye-like deity
43. TEAN (TEXAN) / Lone Star stater
44. LICENSES / Permits
47. ESSE (ESSEX) / Moby Dick inspiration
48. EFOLIATE (EXFOLIATE) / Scrub skin
49. TOTS / Tykes
50. STY (STYX) / Charon's river
51. APSE / Church feature

1. MAT / Yoga gear
2. YLEM (XYLEM) / Phloem's counterpart
3. TONI / Singer Braton (Braxton)
4. HEDISON / Moreland on The L Word
5. HER / Of that woman
6. ERES (XERXES) / Net (Next) Persia ruler after Darius
7. MARTINMAS / 11/11
8. SLICK / Grace of rock
9. PORKPIES / Some hats
10. ECUSABLE (EXCUSABLE) / Forgivable
11. WON / Took first place
13. VENOM / Spidey's e-costume
19. ONY (ONYX) / Dark crystal
21. SPRINKLES / Donut eternal (external) feature
23. DEAD / E-living (Ex-living)
24. AMEN (AXMEN) / Some hatchet wielders
25. CELEBESO (CELEBES OX) / Crossword clue for ANOA
26. CAMELAST / Arrived latest
27. AIS (AXIS) / It goes through frisbee center
31. RUMANIA / Old word for Wallachia-Moldavia region
33. DOC / Charles Stark "___" Draper
34. BABEL / Tower of tongues
36. SONES / They quantify loudness
39. SIFT / Let the fine through
41. ASAP / Antsy acronym
42. LETS / Rents
43. TET (TEXT) / Message on a mobile
45. COY / Cutely shy
46. SEE / Perceive


Reverend Samuel Parris

Each clued word can have a letter removed to form the anagram of a metal. The removed-letters spell out a word:
B lead baled
E gold lodge
T iron nitro
R nickel crinkle
A tin anti
Y lithium humility
E silver servile
D copper cropped

Titus Oates

The clued words use only vowels, T, and S. 5-bit binary based on presence/absence of vowels. A=16, E=8, I=4, O=2, U=1

P stata
E suits
R toast
J toes
U attius
R stoat
I estus
N tootsie
G sit out

George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys

The hanged people's arms form semaphore letters: CENTERS. You want the center letters of some old-timey harsh sentences:


This Display Closed for Repairs (meta)

Fill in answers from the other parts based on the enumerations. Pull out the indicated letters.

 b e t r a y e d
       1     8 3

 g a l l o w s
  12    14   4

 m a s s g r a v e s
   6      15    10

 p e r j u r i n g
   2       7  12

 s t o c k s b l o c k s
  13   5               9  

r  e  d  s  c  a  r  e  s  e  n  a  t  o  r
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A red-scare senator who fits the blanks is JOE MCCARTHY.


Reuben Ship's radio play The Investigator was darned handy for a puzzle-writer needing a list of famous inquisitors in a hurry. It's also grimly funny if you're into USA history.