By Guy Jacobson and Chad Brown
Answer: REXX

As the flavortext suggests, solvers need to order all twenty-six Exhibits A-Z. The title hints that this must be accomplished such that the parentheses and square brackets are properly balanced (while also satisfying the handful of “somewhere before” constraints).

There is a unique ordering that works, perhaps best found using programming (unless you are an insane masochist and want to balance thousands of parentheses by hand). Here is a sample Python program that accomplishes this.

When solvers assemble the 26 fragments into a single complete “whole,” they may be nonplussed as to what to do with it. But if they inspect the sequence of fragment letters used to form the complete plan, solvers will see BDHPLZNOWGIVEJSFUCKATRYMQX which contains the string PLZ NOW GIVE JSFUCK A TRY (with some alphabetized junk on either side—hey, perfect pangrams are hard!)

JSFuck is an esoteric variety of JavaScript that uses only the characters [ , ], ( , ) , + , and !. It is nonetheless perfectly valid JavaScript that you can run in any interpreter. Running the resulting JSFuck using a JavaScript interpreter pops up an alert that says “Answer: REXX.” So the answer to this puzzle is REXX (the name of another interpreted language).