Location: Atlantis, Golden Tower
Depth: 470

Solution to Cryptic Golf

by halftime

Answer: MONO

Each named hole in the course clues a word beginning with PAR.

Hole 1: Absolved PARDONED
Hole 2: Pilcrow PARAGRAPH
Hole 3: Story PARABLE
Hole 4: Transfixed PARALYZED
Hole 5: Cheese PARMESAN
Hole 6: Suspicious PARANOID
Hole 7: Spouse PARTNER
Hole 8: Dolly PARTON
Hole 9: Mosaic PARQUET
Hole 10: Frenchman PARISIAN
Hole 11: Reword PARAPHRASE
Hole 12: Viewpoint PARADIGM
Hole 13: Incompletely PARTIALLY
Hole 14: Game PARCHEESI
Hole 15: Budgerigar PARAKEET
Hole 16: Package PARCEL
Hole 17: Eden PARADISE
Hole 18: Garnish PARSLEY

Thus, the "par" for Hole 1 is the set of letters in DONED, and so forth. For each hole, there is one scorecard answer that is either an anagram+1 (bogey) or an anagram-1 (birdie) of that hole's par. For instance, BELAY is a bogey for Hole 3, which has a PAR of ABLE, whereas DELAY is a birdie for Hole 4, which as a PAR of ALYZED.

Stop Bartok? Yes (bogey) BELAY (BELA + Y) PARABLE
Game of wits that is a bay-dwelling sea serpent (bogey) CHESSIE (CHESS + IE) PARCHEESI
Ivy League university? Back down first, don't rush (birdie) DELAY (D + the reverse of YALE) PARALYZED
Mr. Gray's mode (bogey) DORIAN (double definition) PARANOID
Source of courier, perhaps (bogey) FONT (double definition) PARTON
Chart depicting Raphael's innards (birdie) GRAPH (depictinG RAPHael's) PARAGRAPH
Middleman evenly spelling out concept (birdie) IDEA (even letters of mIdDlEmAn) PARADISE
Fabric from site with no western border (bogey) LACE (PLACE - P) PARCEL
Sages captured by imagination (birdie) MAGI (iMAGInation) PARADIGM
Neruda's first words of praise for vertex (birdie) NODE (N + ODE) PARDONED
Growin' dried fruit (bogey) RAISIN (double definition) PARISIAN
Sailors notice outspoken soldiers (bogey) SEAMEN (SEE phonetically + MEN) PARMESAN
Angel playing harps around end of Rapture (birdie) SERAPH (anagram of HARPS with an E inside) PARAPHRASE
In the end, obviously clever (birdie) SLY (obviouSLY) PARSLEY
Score penned by sentimental lyricist (birdie) TALLY (sentimenTAL LYricist) PARTIALLY
Take splintered wood (birdie) TEAK (anagram of TAKE) PARAKEET
Male singer's meaning (bogey) TENOR (double definition) PARTNER
Force to remove right hat (bogey) TOQUE (TORQUE - R) PARQUET

When the holes and answers are paired up, each hole is associated with one added/removed letter. Write these letters, in hole order, over the blanks at the bottom of the puzzle to spell out "DAY ZERO FOR A DISEASE (4)", a cryptic clue for MONO (MON + O), which is the answer.