This puzzle consists of a video parodying a "The Word" segment from a version of The Colbert Report set in Hyrule. There are three extraction mechanisms:
1. The dialog contains words from actual "The Word" segments. Take the days of the month that those segments aired to spell the answer: MIKE SCIOSCIA.
symbol-minded (2009-10-13) M safety (2006-10-09) I whatever (2006-01-11) K change (2008-11-05) E R-E-S-P-E-C-T (2006-07-19) S stay the course (2006-04-03) C superegomaniac (2006-05-09) I victory (2007-01-15) O risky business (2006-06-19) S share the wealth (2009-03-03) C safety (2006-10-09) I you're welcome (2006-02-01) A
2. The dialog also contains sentences that include state nicknames and clues to numbers. The combination of state plus number clues a Congressional distract that has been part of a "Better Know a District" segment. Take the number of the part in the series that featured that districs and convert to letters to spell the answer: GOALIES.
old dominion, legs of a rock-spitting octopus Virginia's 8th 7 (G) golden, spyring in a Hitchcock film California's 39th 15 (O) peach, ring of power Georgia's 1st 1 (A) empire, members of the Ivy League New York's 8th 12 (L) garden, justices of the supreme court New Jersey's 9th 9 (I) centennial, sides of a coin Colorado's 2nd 5 (E) old lines, directions on the compass Maryland's 4th 19 (S)
3. The initials of each bullet point spell out a word associated with bears plus one additional letter. Those additional letters spell out SHIRER BOOK which clues the answer: THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH.
Yea of Ganon is sufficient S + YOGI Colbert has amazing representational expertise H + CARE Performs a Nightly Dialog about Idioms I + PANDA Princess obsessed regarding lockets and rumors R + POLAR Green ugly monsters making Empire invulnerable E + GUMMI Hylian Rock-bowlers's Union grows R + HUG Besides bad ocarina bugling, obviously B + BOBO Produces overly environmentalist decisions often O + PEDO Cranium use obviously bad O + CUB Cod's a terrifying kink K + CAT