
The Prince is quite proud of his competitive Katamari-rolling time record, having mastered the art of multitasking.

All procedure calls are evaluated from left to right.

(define (send x)
  (if (or (integer? x) (char? x))
      (display x)
      (send x))
(define (sendc x)
  (if (and (>= x 0) (< x 26))
      (send (integer->char (+ 65 x)))
      (sendc x)))

(define a 2)
(define b '(11))
(define c 5)
(define d 30)
(define e 3)

 (lambda ()
   (set! a (* a (first a)))
   (send a)
   (set! c (lambda () (- b 4)))
   (set! c (lambda () (- b 11)))
   (set! d (rest d))
   (sendc (/ 4 (+ (- c) c)))
   (set! a (sqrt (+ c (* c c))))
   (sendc b)
   (set! b '(((24 12 15 (2))) 1 (5 1) 3 2 8 10 (9 1 (3)) ((3) (1)) 5 14 10))
   (set! d '())
   (sendc (length (append c b)))
   (sendc (length (append a b c c c d)))
   (set! d 2)
   (map (lambda (x)
          (set! c (first b))
          (sendc x)
          (set! b c)) a)
   (send (* (+ 3 (first c)) 100 (- (sqrt a) 1)))
   (set! a (+ a 1))
   (set! e (- e 1))

 (lambda ()
   (set! a (list c))
   (set! a (lambda (x) (if x (sendc x) x)))
   (let loop ()
     (set! b (c))
     (if (a b)
         (set! d '(2 4 8 16 32))))
   (set! c (first d))
   (set! c (second d))
   (set! b (- a (sqrt (first d))))
   (set! a (list 14 (- (length b) 1) c))
   (let loop ()
     (set! d b)
     (if (null? d)
         (set! a (+ a 1))
           (sendc (first d))
           (set! b (rest d))
   (set! e (- e 1))

 (lambda ()
   (set! b d)
   (set! c (lambda () (/ b 2)))
   (let loop ()
     (set! d (- d 10))
     (if (and (= d 0)
              (= b 0)
	      (< b 0))
         (set! b #f)
   (set! c (first d))
   (set! a 0)
   (sendc (length b))
   (set! c (list (second b)))
   (sendc (sqrt (+ 12 (length d))))
   (send (+ (/ (foldl * 26 a)
               (+ (length (append a b))
		  (* (length c) (length c))))
   (set! a (first b))
   (sendc (/ 204 a))
   (set! e (- e 1))

(let loop ()
  (if (> e 0)