Written by Scott Weiss
This puzzle refers to the game Cosmic Encounter. Clues to this are the title, the words "allies" and "offense" in the blurb, and the oblique aliens reference.
Each clue gives a word associated with one of the powers
in the game. For example, the first clue's answer is "curse". In Cosmic,
the Witch has the power to curse. The answer to each clue and the
associated power follows:
"#%^$^@@#" (5) curse - Witch
The answers give the words for the complete set of
powers from the Mayfair Games version of Cosmic (counting both the
original and the one expansion set) save one: Spiff, the power to crash
land. If you look at the powers associated with the starred clues, their
first letters spell out ADJECTIVE FORM. Convert Spiff to the adjective
to get the required answer.
"Mooommy, I really waaant that!" (5) whine - Sniveler
A dish best served cold (7) revenge - Grudge
A jury's may be reasonable (5) doubt - Skeptic
Accompany, on a more lasting basis (2 4) be with - Force
Act frenzied or crazed (2 7) go berserk - Berseker
Adaptation of a composition by rescoring (11) arrangement - Crystal
Allstate does it (6) insure - Lloyd
Alter one's structure (or the input box on your webpage?) (6 4) change form - Changeling
Animal ___ (9) magnetism - Magnet
Artificial thing on the end of a hook (4) lure - Siren
Assertion of the falsity of a given proposition *(8) negation - Anti-matter
Attaching living tissue surgically (8) grafting - Plant
Become incorporeal (thanks to a transporter?) (13) dematerialize - Phantom
Buried prize *(8) treasure - Dragon
Car make from Italy *(4) fiat - Judge
Change the fabric of existence (5 7) alter reality - Schizoid
Cleansing of the emotions via art (9) catharsis - Vacuum
Cliff (5) bluff - Gambler
Combination of simultaneous notes in a chord *(7) harmony - Empath
Contract for an apartment (5) lease - Hurtz
Coup from within (or Nautilus 3.1?) (10) subversion - Subversive
Cultivation (10) refinement - Connoisseur
Declare in advance (7) predict - Prophet
Deus ex machina *(6 12) divine intervention - Chosen
Distribute uniformally (8) equalize - Calculator
Disturbance of the ability to read (8) dyslexia - Mirror
Do a doctor's job (4) heal - Healer
Doing it may involve a siance (10) necromancy - Warpish
Dominion; superiority (7) mastery - Warrior
Done on request, as a performance (7) command - Dictator
Duplicate, as an experiment (9) replicate - Clone
Eighth Robin Cook book alphabetically (9) contagion - Disease
Emotionally disturbed or agitated (5) upset - Loser
Energy divided by the square of the speed of light (4) mass - Macron
Enticement (10) temptation - Serpent
Explosive device rigged to a teddy bear, for example *(5 4) booby trap - Terrorist
Extend (8) protract - Prolong
Exude, as confidence (4) ooze - Amoeba
Facts gained through experience (9) knowledge - Mind
Form of one's body *(5) build - Industrialist
Formulate a product *(8) multiply - Virus
Fourth Book (7) numbers - Symbiote
Frighten with threats (10) intimidate - Bully
Furnish with power or authority *(6) invest - Entrepreneur
Gain cool traits over time (6) evolve - Pentaform
Go from Jon Pertwee to Tom Baker, e.g.? (10) regenerate - Mutant
Granted right, especially when attached to a specific position (9) privilege - Aristocrat
Have a glimpse of the future (7) foresee - Oracle
Highway robbery, for example *(5) theft - Filch
In logic, one could be necessary or sufficient (9) condition - Pavlov
It follows "park" and precedes "neutral" (7) reverse - Negator
It happens when you fall for your shrink (12) transference - Trader
It may be fielder's or Hobson's (6) choice - Will
Lincoln or Holland (6) tunnel - Worm
Members of the Zodiac *(5) signs - Obverse
Obtain by force (6) extort - Extortionist
Oft-ignored teacher (10) substitute - Sting
One could be air or panty (4) raid - Pirate
One could be value-added (3) tax - Assessor
One may be issued by a court (5) order - Queue
Own (7) possess - Demon
Pass the buck (8) delegate - Delegator
Place habitually frequented (5) haunt - Doppleganger
Presenting (6) giving - Philanthropist
Profusion, especially of cash (6) wealth - Gnome
Property enjoyed by Sue Storm (12) invisibility - Wraith
Pull out of the fire (7) salvage - Vulch
Pull up by the roots (9) eradicate - Void
Pythagorean exponent (3) two - Deuce
Quarantine (7) isolate - Silencer
Rebirth of a soul *(13) reincarnation - Reincarnator
Run, as an application (7) execute - Assassin
Samsa's story, with "The" (13) metamorphosis - Insect
Sci-fi staple employed in Quantum Leap *(4 6) time travel - Chronos
Self-reproach (5) guilt - Ethic
Serve (4 4) wait upon - Butler
Shalom (5) peace - Pacifist
Sojourner's surname (5) truth - Seeker
Stash or cache *(5) hoard - Miser
Stick to (6) adhere - Fungus
Stick your nose in another's business (6) meddle - Busybody
Stink up the place (4) reek - Filth
Strengthen with fresh additions (9) reinforce - Cavalry
Strengthen with fresh additions (9) reinforce - Reserve
Subjugate (7) enslave - Vampire
Take someone before their time (or a painting of apples??) (5 4) steal life - Ghost
The act of making a lot of people think they're chickens (especially in church?) (4 8) mass hypnosis - Mesmer
The best policy? (7) honesty - Aura
The P in ESP (10) perception - Visionary
Turn to stone (7) petrify - Gorgon
Type of bullet or square (5) magic - Sorcerer
Unending existence (11) immortality - Zombie
Uninterrupted connection or union (10) continuity - Machine
Unlikely occurrence (13) improbability - Anomaly
Unpleasant type of chamber (7) torture - Wrack
What sharks do to some waters (6) infest - Parasite
Win's opposite (4) loss - Grief
Word following color or venetian (5) blind - Laser
You can do this to a treaty, a check, or a turn (9) negotiate - Diplomat
You file yours by April 15 (6) return - Boomerang