2.8: The Direct Approach (Solution)

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Authors: Brian Litofsky and Rose Koch
(After third path was eaten by construction in building 33, fixed by
Ann Jones and Ray Jones.)

Solution to the riddle trail of Dorothy looking for the coin:

There are three sections. The path in each section is independent
of the other paths. The actual walked path is what is important.
After the paths are walked, if the path taken is laid out on a map 
of MIT, they make the answer, "DAY".

1. The first path starts in lobby 66. (The Griffin/sword reference is
from the wall hanging of "La Mort Et Le Guerrier" by Jean Lurcat.) The
path heads outside, diagonally across the area towards lobby
2. ["Glinda and her little sisters" is a reference to the
multi-layered, globed street lamp.] It goes up and down a bunch
(height being irrelevant to the answer) but basically follows 6, 16,
56, and winding up back in lobby 66, making the letter "D".

	If you are interested, it's lobby 2, up to the third floor,
	left into building 6, up the stairs in the middle of 6 to
	the fourth floor. Continue on the forth floor over to 
	building 16, sloping up to the fifth floor. Walk the length 
	of 16 and take the building 56 elevator to the first floor. 
	Walk to lobby 66.

2. Start at the Center for Theoretical Physics at the building 8 end
of the infinite corridor, third floor. Go down the infinite corridor
and turn to go into 13. Go down the stairs to the first floor, walk
across lobby 13, and outside to the lampposts. Head back inside across
lobby 13 and go halfway up the little steps in the back left of the
lobby. Go outside and head diagonally forward/left (toward the forge),
crossing the line that forms the letter "A".

3. Start outside at the wind tunnel.  Walk between buildings to Vassar
St.  Take Vassar St. to Mass Ave.  At the corner is firebox #273.
Look around and then enter 35 via the door that says 127 Mass Ave. Go
up to the top floor, where lightning is visible through the window on
the door, then go down to the third floor.  Proceed more or less
straight until building 39.  

1. (If they're that stuck) It's a walking around puzzle.
2. Answer to a particular decision point
2. (Assuming they've walked the paths) The paths form a word.
*The letters are in order*
*Look at them from a different angle*


Note from Ray Jones: Since this puzzle was broken (by construction in
building 33) and only fixed the night before the hunt, when people
started calling in "T" for the last letter, I thought that there was
something wrong with the path, rather than with how people were
looking at their map.  Concerned that we had screwed up completely, I
was too lenient with hints.  Had I known what was going on, I wouldn't
have been so helpful.  As it was, after I found out, it was too late
and I had to keep being helpful in the interest of fairness.

-Ray Jones